Law:The My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter Amendment

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44RZ777: The My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter Amendment

WHEREAS the CeR campaigned on promoting, first and foremost, the kingship of Christ in all Kingdom activities

WHEREAS we'd be a pretty pathetic party if we didn't have a go at this

WHEREAS the acknowledgement of the Kingship of Christ strengthens the civil rights of all Talossans, Christians and otherwise

WHEREAS if I didn't propose such a thing, Miestra would be severely disappointed and demand our raspberry berets back

THEREFORE be it resolved by the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa that the following amendment to Organic Law be recommended to the citizenry for ratification:

Section 1 of Article III of Organic Law ("King") be amended to add the following first sentence: While acknowledging and in no way supplanting the rights of our earthly King of Talossa, the eternal and everlasting King of Talossa is Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Noi urent q'estadra sa,

Eldsfats Blasiüs (CeR)
Suischadna Margreta Drameir Blasiüs (CeR)

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