Guidelines for provincial acts (Fiova)

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Tier Hierarchy Name Reference number Rubric needed? Description
Tier 1 main level TITLE
roman (i.e.: IV)
Thematic groupings of articles
sublevel-A PART
roman (i.e.: IV)
sublevel-B Chapter
roman (i.e.: IV)
Tier 2 main level Article
arabic (i.e.: 4)
sublevel-A Paragraph
arabic (i.e.: 4)

The Example Law 2

TITLE I: This is the rubric of this Title
PART I: This is the rubric of this Part
Chapter I: This is the rubric of this Chapter
  1. This Articla has a rubric. This is the text of Article 1 (§ I.I.I.1)
  2. This is the text of Article 2 (§ I.I.I.2)
    1. This is the text of Paragraph 1 (§ I.I.I.2.1)
    2. This is the text of Paragraph 2 (§ I.I.I.2.2)
  3. This is the text of Article 3 (§ I.I.I.3)
Chapter II: This is the rubric of this Chapter
  1. This Articla has a rubric. This is the text of Article 1 (§ I.I.II.1)
  2. This Articla has a rubric. This is the text of Article 2 (§ I.I.II.2)
PART II: This is the rubric of this Part
  1. This Articla has a rubric. This is the text of Article 1 (§ I.II.1)
  2. This is the text of Article 2 (§ I.II.2)
    1. This is the text of Paragraph 1 (§ I.II.2.1)
    2. This is the text of Paragraph 2 (§ I.II.2.2)
  3. This is the text of Article 3 (§ I.II.3)
TITLE II: This is the rubric of this Title
  1. This Articla has a rubric. This is the text of Article 1 (§ II.1)
  2. This is the text of Article 2 (§ II.2)
    1. This is the text of Paragraph 1 (§ II.2.1)
    2. This is the text of Paragraph 2 (§ II.2.2)
  3. This is the text of Article 3 (§ II.3)