La Società per l'Ilesnaziun del Glheþ Naziunal

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Società per l'Ilesnaziun del Glheþ Naziunal
Current Head: Marcel Eðo Pairescu Tafial
Function: - to document, preserve and proliferate the Talossan language,

- to recommend a standard language for government use, and - to provide glheþinations wherever they are needed..

The Società per l'Ilesnaziun del Glheþ Naziunal, or Society for the Facilitation of the National Language, is an organization of those interested in promoting and managing the use of the Talossan language. It was founded in September 2017 to provide an alternative to the seemingly moribund Comità per l'Útzil del Glheþ.

Rules of SIGN (promulgated December 2019)

Rule 1 The name of this organisation is "La Società per l'Ilesnaziun del Glheþ Naziunal", or "SIGN" for short. SIGN's logo is a Bicoloreu circle with blue arrows coming out of it in every cardinal direction. The flag of the Talossan language and its speakers is a horizontal tricolour of black, white and grey in proportion 1:1:2.

Rule 2 SIGN's goals are - to document, preserve and proliferate the Talossan language, - to recommend a standard language for government use, and - to provide glheþinations wherever they are needed.

Rule 3 Anyone who is interested can ask to join SIGN. If a majority of members support this, the applicant becomes a full member. If the applicant was a member of the Comità per l'Útzil del Glheþ as of Llimbaziuă 2019/XL, the voting is skipped and they become a full member immediately.

Rule 4 A SIGN member can suggest a change to the recommended standard language or this set of SIGN rules at any time. If at least a two-thirds majority of members support this, the change comes into effect on the last Sunday of the following month.

Rule 5 SIGN shall regularly publish a journal outlining upcoming changes to the standard or other information that could be relevant to the Ladintsch community. SIGN shall also keep all materials under its purview up-to-date at all times.

External links

SIGN's provisional rules for use of the Talossan language, December 2019