Scribery of Abbavilla

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Scribery of Abbavilla
Current Head: M.T. Patritz da Biondeu
Deputies: Munditenens Tresplet, Alexandreu Davinescu
Function: To maintain and record Talossan law.

The Scribery of Abbavilla is charged with maintaining and recording Talossa's Organic Law and statutes, and changes thereto. The Scribery also creates and maintains the typographic standards to be used in all publications made by the King, his household, or his Government.

The current Scribe of Abbavilla is M.T. Patritz da Biondeu, assisted by two appointed deputies, Marti-Pair Furxheir and Alexandreu Davinescu.

History of the Scribery

Created by a Prime Dictate issued on 4 July 2002 by Seneschal Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h, the Scribery of Abbavilla assumed responsibility from the Ministry of Justice for the authoritative recording, care, and maintenance of the Organic Law of the Kingdom.

The post of Scribe of Abbavilla was first held by Davïu Foctéir, who resigned the position on 9 October 2002, at which time the title and duties were taken up by Prime Minister Válcadác'h. Some two months later, on 13 December 2002, the post was awarded to Sir Chirisch Cavéir, and its duties in service of the Royal House were formalized and expanded.

On Independence Day 2003, the fourth Scribe of Abbavilla, Martì-Paìr Furxhéir, was appointed. S:reu Furxhéir served ably until the appointment of Marc Moisan in 2004. Under Moisan's guidance, the Scribery began to re-compile and categorise the library of Talossan statutory law, and to act as the custodian thereto. Moisan left the Kingdom in 2005 but still continued for a time to assist his successor, Ma la Mha, in the performance of his duties.

After restoring public access to the Organic Law (which had unfortunately been lost owing to the events of 2004 that affected the Kingdom's Web presence), la Mha undertook the creation of a complete online set of statutes for the Kingdom. Authorized Talossans (the Justices of the Uppermost Cort, the Secretary of State, the Attorney-General, and Members of the Royal Talossan Bar) were also provided access to an online Law Library, created by the Scribery, which allows for easier research into the acts of Talossan law.

The creation of these online legal repositories was accompanied by the creation of an entirely new Website for the Kingdom of Talossa. The maintenance, upkeep, and care of this site became the tacit responsibility of the Scribery, which enlisted the assistance ofthe members of the Talossan Web Designers Guild, who took their direction from the Scribe.

When la Mha became Seneschal in 2007, Olaf Brainerd was appointed to serve as Grefieir d'Abbavilla. He was succeeded by the eighth Scribe, Dréu Gavárþic'h in late 2009, then by the ninth Scribe Martì Prevuost, in mid-2011. For non-Talossan reasons, Prevuost was forced to abandon the post in early 2012 after successfully beginning a program of adding "Scribe's Notes" to the statutes. He was succeeded by Vitxalmour Conductour, who served until 2 Apr 2014/XXXV. M.T. Patritz da Biondeu was appointed to the position on 4 Sept 2014/XXXV.

Offices of the Royal Civil Service
Royal Society