Law:The Talossa Is My Country, But That Doesn't Mean I Can't Have Friends Elsewhere Too Act

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23RZ18 — The Talossa Is My Country, But That Doesn't Mean I Can't Have Friends Elsewhere Too Act

WHEREAS, all Talossans are citizens of other ("real") nations, and

WHEREAS, this puts all Talossans into a "dual citizenship" situation, and

WHEREAS, Talossa is a unique national community which has prospered for almost two decades by the unique commitment and participation of its people, and we do not want that participation confused or diluted by membership in rival "micronations," but

WHEREAS, Talossans should not be forced out of friendships with their pals in other micronations simply because they are Talossan citizens;

THEREFORE, the Ziu hereby resolves, that all such "dual citizenships" of Talossan citizens be formally honoured and recognized;

AND the Ziu hereby resolves, that no Talossan citizen shall be entitled to be a citizen or member in any so-called "micronation," without the consent of the Ziu;

AND the Ziu hereby resolves that, in the spirit of true Derivatism (which is a philosophy beloved in our Regipäts, don'tcha know), Talossan citizens are free to be involved in a positive way with any other so-called "micronation" (below the level of citizenship in that "micronation"); unless Talossa is at war with said "micronation" or the Ziu has issued a bill officially condemning that "micronation".

Noi urent q'estadra så:
Robert Ben Madison - (Immigration Minister)
Charles Sauls - (PC-Florenciâ)

Scribe's Notes

  1. This act failed to pass the Ziu.

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