Law:The Bring The Almighty Vaguely Nacho-Chip-Shaped Province Into Harmony With The Organic Law of 1997, The Regipäts, The World, Mother Nature, And, Optionally, Your Deity Of Choice, Act

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23RZ30 — The Bring The Almighty Vaguely Nacho-Chip-Shaped Province Into Harmony With The Organic Law of 1997, The Regipäts, The World, Mother Nature, And, Optionally, Your Deity Of Choice, Act

WHEREAS there is a certain vaguely nacho-chip-shaped province named after a certain King Florence I that's just been buzzing with political and cultural activity; and

WHEREAS this vaguely nacho-chip-shaped, active province is included in a policy that "grandfathers" in provinces extant at the time of the OrgLaw for recognition as full parts of the Regipäts Talossán, if only they request this recognition; and

WHEREAS Florenciâ -- the aforementioned vaguely nacho-chip-shaped province -- has never requested this recognition until reminded to do so by a certain Kingual figure with a beard who is named "Rôibeard" in the glheþ Talossán; and

WHEREAS Florenciâ, by virtue of its long-standing democratic government, which has gone on continuously and without interruption since the days when the province was first formed, is clearly deserving of such recognition;

THEREFORE the Ziu says "Heck yeah!" to the appeal of Florenciâ Province, and also certifies said province as the Second Formally "Certified" Province (and the First Formally Certified Province Without The Quotation Marks, and also the First Formally Certified Province Without The Bold Text Or The Quotation Marks), and votes to "certify", certify, and just plain certify Florenciâ Province, in harmony (and peace, and "free love") with the Organic Law of 1997, as a democratic, loyal portion of the Talossan nation.

Uréu q'estadra så:
Charles Sauls - (PC-Florenciâ)

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