Law:The Immigration Reform Take Whatever Act

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33RZ8 — The Immigration Reform, Take Whatever, Act

WHEREAS, a nationwide consensus exists that Talossan immigration laws themselves are in some part responsible for the drop-off in immigration since the year 2000, and

WHEREAS, discussions on Wittenberg and at TalossaFest 2004 have revealed a broad consensus in favour of immigration reform, though not necessarily on all specifics, and

WHEREAS, someone has to get the ball rolling, and it might as well be me,

THEREFORE, the Ziu hereby enacts the following legislation into law as the official Talossan rules for immigration procedure, understanding that all older legislation which is directly in conflict with the principles outlined herein is thereby rendered null and void, to the extent of the conflict.

  1. Non-Talossans shall become Talossan citizens through the immigration process outlined herein. No person who is already a Talossan citizen shall be affected by this legislation.
  2. In order to become a Talossan citizen, a non-citizen (hereafter, "the prospective") shall notify the Immigration Minister of his intent to acquire Talossan citizenship. He must provide proof of identity to the satisfaction of the Immigration Minister.
  3. Upon completion of step #2, the prospective shall be granted a Wittenberg account and must explain publicly, on Wittenberg, his reasons and motivations for seeking Talossan citizenship.
  4. Upon completion of step #3, the Immigration Minister, in consultation with the Government and with the Opposition Leader, shall either grant or refuse the prospective citizen Talossan citizenship. In the event of refusal, the prospective may repeat the process.
  5. If citizenship is granted under step #4, the person shall be considered a naturalized Talossan for all purposes, legal and moral.
  6. Members representing one-third of the Cosâ may, by resolution, during a period of one year following the naturalization of any prospective under this Act, express its official protest against the naturalization. In this event, the Ziu must itself ratify the person's citizenship, by law, or else the citizenship lapses.
  7. Any person naturalized under the provisions of this Act shall have one year following the date of his naturalization, to complete the Civics Exam and any other requirements for citizenship which may hereafter be imposed by law. Failure to complete these assignments within the one-year period shall result in the automatic termination of said citizenship.
  8. No person granted Talossan citizenship prior to 21 September 2004 shall be affected in any way by this Act.

Scribe's Notes

  1. This act was repealed by the passage of 34RZ2, The Umpteenth Immigration Reform Act.

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