Law:The Cézembrian Constitution Act

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40RZ13 — The Cézembrian Constitution Act

WHEREAS the Cézembrian people ratified a constitution last year, and

WHEREAS the Cunstaval of Cézembre asked the king to ratify this constitution, and

WHEREAS the king failed to respond, and

WHEREAS Cézembre needs a constitution, now

THEREFORE the constitution of Cézembre is hereby proclaimed.

Uréu q'estadra sa:
Tycho van Die (MC, PP)

Scribe's Notes

  1. King John vetoed this legislation, asserting that to promulgate a provincial constitution is an exclusively royal prerogative that the Ziu cannot Organically take upon itself.
  2. Apologising for his inactivity, which had caused the representatives of that province to take this question to the Ziu, King John proceeded to promulgate the Constitution of Cézembre himself.

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