Law:The Dún Cestour (Amending) Act

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43RZ23 — The Dún Cestour (Amending) Act

WHEREAS Talossan Statute 12RC26, The Dún Cestoûr Act, as originally authored by Robert Madison (PC-Vuode), states the following;

The Cosâ hereby transfers control over the region of Dún Cestour ("Fort Cestour") to the Province of Vuode. This territory is located east of Vuode and consists of areas north of North Avenue, south of Kenwood Boulevard, east of Vuode and west of Lake Michigan. Vuode promises to maintain Dún Cestour as an Autonomous Region and will protect the cultural peculiarities of the native inhabitants.

WHEREAS the canton of Dún Cestour in Vuode has not practised any form of autonomy following the creation of Talossan Statute 12RC26,

WHEREAS the mentioned statute may or may not be in effect,

WHEREAS Vuode promises to protect the cultural peculiarities of the native inhabitants of Dún Cestour,

THEREFORE be it resolved by the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa that Talossan Statute 12RC26 is hereby repealed, and

FURTHERMORE The Ziu of Talossa hereby recognizes the province of Vuode's control over the region of Dún Cestour ("Fort Cestour"). This territory is located east of Vuode and consists of areas north of North Avenue, south of Kenwood Boulevard, east of Vuode and west of Lake Michigan"

Noi urent q'estadra sa:

Éovart Grischun (MC, CSPP)
Viteu Marcianüs (Senator, Vuode)

El Regeu en volt.

— John R

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