Law:The Too Many Inactive Cooks Amendment

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43RZ32 — The Too Many Inactive Cooks Amendment

WHEREAS one inactive Justice renders the entire Cort pü Inalt inactive, and this seems like a negative thing, and

WHEREAS if Gloria Estefan knew about this she'd be angry,

THEREFORE be it resolved by the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa that the following resolution be presented for ratification by the people:

RESOLVED, that Article XVI of the Organic Law of the Kingdom of Talossa be amended by alteration of Section, so that it will read:
Section 8. No court shall issue any authoritative decision without the fullest opportunity for all members assigned to a case to consider the case in question. However, a single Justice of the Uppermost Cort may hear a case on his own if this is acceptable to the other two members of the Cort. He shall be appointed to do so by unanimous vote of the entire three-person Cort. If, after every reasonable attempt is made to contact a member of the Cort, and three weeks (21 days) has passed since initial contact without any response, their silence shall be read as consent that an individual Justice may hear the case in question on his own. The duly nominated (either by active agreement or silence) Justice shall render a decision on the case as if he were a majority of the whole Cort. His decision becomes that of the Cort itself and may not be appealed.

Noi urent q'estadra sa:

Owen Edwards (MC, CSPP)
Ma la Mha, Baron Tépista (MC, RUMP)

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