Law:The Frozen Citizen Act

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44RZ17: The Frozen Citizen ActFAILED

WHEREAS, The practice of cryonics, or the practice of "freezing" one's body after legal death is becoming more and more common, and

WHEREAS, this is not exactly a frivolous bill, so keep reading, and

WHEREAS, Some Talossans may choose to undergo this practice for themselves, and

WHEREAS, Citizenship upon reanimation might get a little bit strange for these formerly "dead" patients, and

WHEREAS, Talossan citizens might not have to worry about too much if we can recognize the cryonics process, now

THEREFORE, we, the Ziu, enact the following:

Section 1: The Kingdom of Talossa formally recognizes cryonic preservation as a valid form of disposition of human remains.

Section 2: Talossan citizens may register their wishes for cryonic suspension with the Royal Governor of Péngöpäts, who shall keep the records private and frozen unless otherwise directed by the citizen.

Section 3: Upon the citizen's death, the Royal Governor shall make known the citizen's wishes, and direct that the Secretary of State strike the citizen from the active citizenship roll, and add him to the List of Suspended Citizens which shall also be maintained by the Secretary of State. Suspended Citizens shall be, and ought to be, considered Citizens of Talossa and Talossan in nature throughout the time that they are suspended.

Section 4: Upon reanimation of the cryonically preserved citizen, the Secretary of State shall re-administer the Oath of Citizenship to the citizen, and upon doing so, strike him from the List of Suspended Citizens and add his name to the citizenship roll.

Section 5: In the event that the cryonic process dehumanized the citizen, or in any other way "zombified" the citizen, the Secretary of State shall not re-administer the Oath of Citizenship, and the citizen's name shall remain on the List of Suspended Citizens until such time as his humanity and personality can be restored.

Section 6: A reanimated citizen who feels that he has been improperly given a "zombified" classification may appeal the decision by the Secretary of State directly to the Cort Pü Inalt. The Cort's decision is final.

Noi urent q'estadra sa:

Munditenens Tresplet (MC-RUMP, Péngöpäts) Hooligan (MC-RUMP)

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