Law:The I'm not really sure about this act Amendment

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44RZ23: The I'm not really sure about this act amendment.

WHEREAS there is some confusion about the way we should count AUS votes, and

WHEREAS voting AUSTENEU is not the same as voting CONTRA, and

WHEREAS it shouldnt count as the same thing, and

WHEREAS article X, section 7 of the orglaw is empty at the moment, and

WHEREAS article X happens to be about passing legislation, now

THEREFORE Article X, Section 7 of the orglaw will be amended to read: "Except where otherwise provided in this Organic Law, when determining the outcome of a vote in either house of the Ziu, austanéu votes will not be counted"

Uréu q'estadra sa: Glüc da Dhi (Senator, Cézembre)

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