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Moderate Radical Party of Talossa
Leader: Glüc da Dhi, Lüc da Schir, Ian Platschisch
Founded: August 2011
Disbanded:March 2019
Beliefs: Centrism, constitutional monarchy, progressivism, liberalism, derivatism, secularism

The Moderate Radical Party of Talossa was a Talossan political party, active between 2011 and 2019. Initially known as simply the Moderate Radical Party (MRP), the name was changed in 2012 to avoid confusion with a former party of the Republic of Talossa sharing that same acronym. The party and the membership were often referred to as "ModRads" or as "Moderate Radicals"; the latter was especially adopted in official documents under Lüc da Schir's tenure as leader, in an effort to estabilish the party's policy as a bona fide ideology, not unlike other parties being dubbed "Conservatives" or "Democrats". Party members were also sometimes referred to as "Murpitts", from the literal pronounciation of the party acronym.

At the time of its dissolution the party had over twenty members, with about 34 people estimated to have been full MRPT members at some point, making it one of the biggest political party in Talossan history. The party led five governments through three Prime Ministers - party founder Glüc da Dhi, Lüc da Schir and Ian Plätschisch - and took part in all governments between January 2014 and March 2019; it commanded Cosa pluralities between 2017 and 2019, and Senate pluralities between 2015 and 2019 with a short stint as the lone majority party in 2018 (the only party to achieve so after a full cycle of post-Reunision elections). At the provincial level the MRPT was notably competitive everywhere but in the safest opposing provinces, and (despite originating in Cézembre) controlled Benito and Maritiimi-Maxhestic for most of its mid-to-late history, and Cézembre and Atatürk for extended spells.

The official colours of the MRPT were #126ECC (Moderate Blue) and #FF6600 (Radical Orange) and its mascot and symbol was a seahorse.


First official logo, introduced during the 43rd Cosa

43rd Cosâ

The newly formed Moderate Radicals contested their first General Elections in late 2011; the party was composed of two members, both former Progressive Party members: the sitting Senator for Cézembre and former MC Glüc da Dhi, and his predecessor as Senator and current MC Alexandreu Soleiglhfred. The party gained three votes, which translated into eight seats in the Cosa and status as the fourth largest party; both Moderate Radical MZs never missed a vote during the 43rd Cosa. At the end of the 43rd Cosa the party decided to avoid confusion with a preexisting party by switching to the acronym MRPT, rather than MRP, and also adopted a new logo featuring the new mascot of the party, the seahorse, created by Alèxandreu Soleighlfred. By the end of its first term, the party had doubled its membership to four members. Future leader Lüc da Schir joined late in the term, soon after gaining citizenship.

44th Cosâ

The MRPT fielded a candidates list of three prospective MCs and won twelve votes in the General Elections, resulting in 18 seats in the Cosa, an increase of 10 seats. For the first time, the party received votes from citizens of other provinces than Cézembre and in fact scored second places in three provinces: Cézembre, Fiova and Vuode. MRPT MZs were again the only caucus to take part in all votes. During this term the party voted on party statutes, resulting in the organization of the first MRPT congress, which was held from 2/5/2013 to 3/5/2013. During the term the MRPT again doubled its membership.

45th Cosâ

The MRPT gained thirteen votes in the General Elections, resulting in 21 seats in the Cosa, three more than the previous term. The lone MRPT senator, party leader Glüc da Dhi, was also reelected by defeating RUMP's Ian da Bitour 7-2. The MCs representing the MRPT in the 45th Cosa are Alexandreu Soleiglhfred (acting as Whip), Lüc da Schir and Ben Putnam, with seven seats each. Again, the MRPT completed this Cosâ without a single failure to vote.

46th Cosâ

A combination of post-Reunision immigration, fatigue from the longstanding RUMP control of the government, the poor performance of the Nordselva government and the rising popularity of opposition parties led to a breakthrough in the elections for the 46th Cosa, with the MRPT winning 56 seats and becoming the leading party in a new government coalition with ZRT and LPR. Party leader Glüc da Dhi became Prime Minister, the first non-RUMP Talossan to hold the post in seven years, with Lüc da Schir, Eovart Andrinescu and later Magniloqueu da Lhiun joining him in Cabinet. The party also elected a second senator with Tric'hard Carschaleir winning a special election in Benito. MRPT MC Andrinescu resigned shortly before the 3rd Clark to join the newly formed Liberal Congress.

The government ultimately fell when MRPT MC Soleiglhfred failed to vote in the 5th Clark and caused the Vote of Confidence to fail; this prompted early elections and was the first failure to vote by a member of the MRPT in three years.

47th Cosâ

The MRPT received 44 seats in the General Elections, of which two were handed to the Progressive Party acknowledging a voter's desire to change his vote because he was not informed that the PP was contesting the elections and he was still in their candidates list. The seats were so apportioned: eleven each to Sevastáin Pinátsch (the new Party Whip) and Tric'hard Carschaleir, ten each to Lupulüc da Fhöglha and Renalt da Fhamul. Two former MCs were elected to the Senate, new party leader Lüc da Schir and Magniloqueu da Lhiun, joining Glüc da Dhi and marking the first time ever in the MRPT's history that the party holds a plurality in either house of the Ziu.

The party remained in control of the government with a coalition extended to the Liberal Congress, which had offered external support in the previous term, the Progressive Party, which did not contest the previous elections, and without the Republican Party, which merged back into the ZRT. The MRPT's leader, Lüc da Schir, replaced his colleague Glüc da Dhi as the new Prime Minister. Ultimately, the coalition enjoyed a larger Cosa majority and a Senate majority as well, after the previous government was hampered by being tied with the RUMP caucus in the Senate.

48th Cosâ

The MRPT received 46 seats in the General Election; despite the gain in seats, the party was leapfrogged by a single seat as the top coalition party by the newly formed Free Democratic Alliance, a joint list by the ZRT and Liberal Congress. Liberal Congress leader Xheraltescu had previously sought an alliance with the MRPT as well. For a second straight election, the MRPT added a senator to its caucus while losing one, as former party leader and Senator for Cézembre Glüc da Dhi temporarily retired from national politics; outgoing party whip Sevastáin Pinátsch was instead elected to the Atatürk Senate seat, unseating the sitting Dean of the Senate, four term senator Brad Holmes, with over two thirds of the vote.

The party took part in a coalition with the Free Democrats and the Progressives, which it left during the last Clark following internal disagreements. Former party whip Breneir Itravilatx also left the MRPT to head a new political party, the Talossan National Congress. Future Party Leader Ian Plätschisch, a freshman MC and a deputy minister in the Ministry of STUFF, had meanwhile replaced Itravilatx as Whip.

49th Cosâ

After a poor performance in the previous coalition and leader da Schir acknowledging that the party needed time to regroup and refocus, the MRPT received 37 seats in the General Election. 10 seats were given to Ian Plätschisch and 9 to Glüc da Dhi, Martì Vataldestreça and Erschéveþ da Schir each. Senator da Lhiun was also reelected in Maritiimi-Maxhestic, defeating a challenge from former Prime Minister Alexandreu Davinescu.

Ultimately, the MRPT chose to join a coalition with the RUMP and the TNC, headed not by current RUMP leader Davinescu but by former Senior Justice Sir Cresti Siervicül.

50th Cosâ

Following a good performance in the coalition government, better campaigning and renewed enthusiasm, the MRPT scored a record win in the elections for the 50th Cosa, roughly doubling both the number of votes won and seats held in the Cosa. Ultimately, the party won 79 seats in the General Election. Ian Plätschisch was given 14 seats, and Glüc da Dhi, Alèxandreu Soleighlfred, Txoteu Davinescu, Erschéveþ da Schir, and Martì Vataldestreça were all given 13 seats. Party leader Lüc da Schir also defeated a challenge to his own Senate seat by Free Democrat and former Senator Iason Taiwos, winning with two thirds of the vote in the first senatorial race ever to feature a clash between members of the two parties; Atatürk senator Pinátsch also retained his seat.

The MRPT and the Free Democrats formed a two party coalition, with Senator da Schir as Prime Minister.

51st Cosâ

The Moderate Radicals followed up on a positive term at the helm of the government with a second consecutive election victory; by winning 83 Cosa seats, the MRPT scored the largest increase in the number of seats by the leading government party since the 42nd Cosa elections (RUMP 108 -> 143) and, in the same timeframe, the first time the leading government party incremented its seats while retaining control of the government, as in the previous term the RUMP had left government despite gaining a seat.

With Glüc da Dhi recapturing Cézembre's Senate seat before the general elections, the MRPT was also poised to become the first party to gain majority control of the Senate in four years, but missed the chance with Txoteu Davinescu falling to Béneditsch Ardpresteir in the open race to succeed Munditenens Tresplet as Senator for Maricopa; this was the first competitive Senate race awarded through IRV.

The previous coalition was confirmed, with an expanded Cosa majority but a reduced Senate majority, and mostly the same ministers. At the end of the term, long-time leader Lüc da Schir retired as head of the party, as part of a wider "semi-retirement" from high profile politics, and was replaced by Ian Plätschisch.

52nd Cosâ

During the 52nd Cosâ, the party was again confirmed as the plurality party, but lost seats to a resurgent Free Democrats in an election that had three parties finishing at above 30% of the popular vote for the first time ever. This was the first election since 2013 not to feature Lüc da Schir in either leadership position (Leader or Whip).

The previous coalition was again confirmed; the two parties, just two seats short (132) of a Cosa supermajority of 134 seats, embarked on ambitious Organic Law reforms that were ultimately rejected by the Ziu, failing to get the required 2/3 majority in the Senate.


At the end of January 2019, party leader Ian Plätschisch privately announced that he wished to stand down as leader as soon as the 52nd Cosa was over, due to no longer supporting the party manifesto, and that he intended to form his own party. The decision was made in a context of long decline for the party, with Ian Plätschisch being the last in a list of several high profile members quitting the party outright or becoming inactive.

Soon afterwards, former leader Lüc da Schir attempted to probe a number of members for their opinions regarding the future the party and intentions for the upcoming leadership race; both Davinescu and Nouacastra-Läxhirescu intended to run in the upcoming elections, but neither had been particularly active in the past. Not being satisfied that the party had any chance of sustaining operations, beyond his own behind-the-scenes efforts, he suspended himself from the MRPT to stand in the 53rd Cosa elections under an interim label, joined by sister Erschéveþ, with the ultimate aim of potentially founding a new centrist party during the term along with the MRPT's remaining members and people from other parties.

The remaining active members of the party, led by interim leader Davinescu and party secretary Soleiglhfred, decided to turn the upcoming Ninth Congress into a "Refoundational Gathering of Centrists", with the aim of revamping the party. The Gathering ultimately proved to be unsuccessful, however, as only one other member (Pinátsch) attended other than the aforementioned two; this led Davinescu to declare the "end of the line" for the MRPT and to unilaterally fold the party.

Plätschisch's new party, Awakening and Magnifying Passion, ultimately attracted the other two Moderate Radical cabinet members, Davinescu and Nouacastra-Läxhirescu. Da Schir's interim label, dubbed Moderate Radicals Arise!, didn't actively seek to recruit former members but nevertheless gave provincial seats to Pinátsch and Soleiglhfred, in a sign that there might still be the appetite for collaboration among former members of the MRPT.

Most of the former members of the MRPT remained independents, including Senator Sevastáin Pinátsch, who had already somewhat distanced from the party after his spell in Cabinet in the 48th Cosa and his election to the Senate.


The MRPT was notable for - especially due to founder Glüc da Dhi's efforts - always running on a very detailed Manifesto and having an unrivalled set of statutes to govern its inner workings. What follows is the last Manifesto the party ran on:

Manifesto of the Moderate Radicals for the 52nd Cosa Elections
On micronations:
  • No diplomatic relations with "bug-micronations".
  • The Foreign Ministry should try to investigate what serious, "like minded" "micronations" are currently active and the potential risks and benefits associated with various forms of diplomatic contacts with such nations, within the limits of the Afaes Utphätseschti Act.
  • The government should try to increase its visibility in the micronational world.

On the Senate:

  • Provinces should be in charge of electing Senators, whenever possible.
  • A small fee for accepting seats in the Senate might be introduced in the future, but only if necessary because webhosting consistently costs more than revenue generated by donations and stamp/coin/talossaware sales.
  • Votes in the Senate should be degressively proportional to the number of citizens of the province a senator represents.

On the Cosa:

  • On the long term Talossa needs a Real Cosâ, which will be achieved by a combination of population growth and a decrease in the size of the Cosâ to sixty seats.
  • The Seneschal should be elected by the Cosa using a preferential ballot rather than be appointed by the King. On the long term, the MRPT will consider the possibility of a PM directly elected by the voters.
  • The fee for participating in Cosa elections may only be raised if absolutely necessary for the purpose of webhosting and not before a fee for accepting seats in the Senate has been introduced.

On the secret ballot: The MRPT is happy with the current amendment to introduce a semi-secret ballot, but would like to go one step further and introduce a full automated secret ballot for Cosâ and Senatorial elections, under the condition that a diverse independent committee has access to the admin account to monitor the elections.

On separation of power:

  • The MRPT believes that on the long term further separation of power is needed.
  • Too many offices should not be held by too few people. This can however only be achieved alongside a growth of the population.
  • When Talossa has more than 1000 citizens full separation of power between the judiciary, executive and legislative should, at least on a national level, be realistic.

On citizenship and privacy:

  • The MRPT does not support plans to make immigration laws stricter in the sense that more activity or knowledge from the prospective citizen is required than under the current rules.
  • Any contact information received from the prospective by the Interior Ministry or the Chancery is strictly private and may not be shared with third parties outside the Interior Ministry or the Chancery, with the exception of email addresses, which may be shared with the Electoral Commission, and provincial institutions that have tasks similar to that of the Chancery. Provinces may use the chancery database to maintain their own email database for the purpose of holding elections. The list of email addresses should be regularly updated by the chancery.
  • The MRPT believes that Talossan citizenship should not prevent Talossans from pursuing their own interests outside Talossa and will protect the right of Talossans to do so. This includes joining micronations.

On provincial assignment:

  • Provincial assignment should remain based on actual geographical location.
  • The default option for moving permanently across provincial assignment borders should be a change of province.
  • Increasing provincial activity.
  • The census should be used to identify citizens who are assigned to the "wrong" province and provide them with the option of changing province.

On Laws of the Kingdom:

  • When a project can be completed without any new legislation, it should generally be completed without any new legislation.
  • Many provisions of the Organic Law would be better suited as part of Statutory Law.
  • Whenever the OrgLaw is reformed in its entirety, a midterm referendum should be held to allow additional legislation during that term.
  • The MRPT supports the adoption of the Organic Law proposed by the Committee for Organic and Statutory Reform, but is willing to work with the proponents of other proposals if doing so would result in a new Organic Law which both rids the Organic Law of its many provisions which are better suited to statutory law, and either advances the ideals of the MRPT or retains most of the current features of Talossan Democracy and Monarchy.
  • The MRPT does not believe that frequently amending the Organic Law is inherently bad, as doing so allows Talossa to experiment with and perfect government systems

On culture:

  • Promoting and protecting Talossan culture, language and traditions. The CUG remains the institution responsible for protecting the Talossan language.
  • The government should not try to do what Talossans can do themselves, but instead stimulate private initiative.
  • In most cases, the Government should facilitate and support cultural projects, rather than lead or own them.
  • The Ziu should in most cases refrain from endorsing cultural practices as being "Talossan" when there is no evidence the practice is in fact strongly related to Talossan culture.

On awards and recognition:

  • The MRPT will continue and expand a nationwide dialogue on the creation a formal National Honours System for the purposes of providing a mechanism of recognition for civic contributions & service to our nation and will support the creation of such a system.

On judicial reform: The MRPT is committed to reforming the Royal Talossan Bar, in a way that allows competent and dedicated prospective barristers to be admitted to the Bar through a period of apprenticeship and an automated law exam. Unless the Royal Society can guarantee regular, scheduled law courses, attendance and graduation should not be compulsory to seek admission to the Bar. Measures will be sought to ensure that such a reform is reached with broad, nonpartisan consensus.

On the Monarchy and the Royal Household:

  • The MRPT is fundamentally monarchist, and supports the hereditary Monarchy. However, we also believe in democratic values, which means the Kings political power should be limited. Additionally, there should be democratic way to remove the monarch if there is large public and parliamentary support for such a step.
  • Officers currently part of the royal household should remain within the royal household.

On Talossan webpresence:

  • The government should continue paying for and
  • The ministry of STUFF should coordinate with the Talossan Web Registrant to find cheaper hosting options for and
  • The government should aim to archive the remaining content of and close the site by 2020.
  • An MRPT minister of STUFF will continue making both up to date and updateproof by removing unneccesary pages and transfering content to the wiki.
  • Finalising the nationalisation of the Talossan database should be a priority for the next government.
  • The MRPT is committed to allow both privately run fora and create a government run forum in the form of telecomuna in the future, but might choose to accept a further delay if Talossa is not ready for two separate fora yet.

Financial expectations (start 51st cosa term - start 52nd cosa term):

Election fees 52nd Cosa election: +50$

Sales (Coins/Stamps/Talossaware): +100$

Donations Kingdom: +75$

Donations Talossaid +25$

Talossaid -25$ Webhosting reimbursements 50th Cosa: -91.48$

Webhosting costs 51st Cosa -245.82$

Additional expenses -30$

Total -142.30$

Slogans and logos

One of the MRPT's better known traditions was to post a "Ten reasons to vote MRPT" list on Wittenberg before each General Election. The list was intended to be a summary of the Manifesto, and to officially present the MRPT's list of candidates for the Cosa. Traditionally, the last (tenth) reason would always be that "Our logo is a seahorse".

The best known of the MRPT's slogans was "The Reasonable Alternative", an allusion to its role as a viable government party in contrast with the RUMP and the ZRT/FreeDems. The slogan was introduced in 2012 and officially adopted for the 45th Cosa, and was thereafter frequently used together with the name and logo. The slogan was somewhat phased out in favour of "Keep Course, Vote MRPT" once the MRPT had estabilished itself as the main government party of Talossa.

Some of the slogans that the MRPT used in campaigning are:

  • "Keep Course, Vote MRPT" (re-election slogan for the 51st and 52nd Cosa elections)
  • "You may want to vote MRPT, but you don't have to" (used between 2011 and 2013)
  • "Working tirelessly for a better Talossa" (for the 50th Cosa elections)
  • "With all Talossans, for every Talossan" (for the 50th Cosa elections)

The MRPT officially used three logos during its existence:

  • The "MRP" logo, only used in the elections to the 43rd Cosa;
  • The first seahorse logo, designed by Alexandreu Soleiglhfred, mostly used under Glüc da Dhi's leadership (2011-2014);
  • The second seahorse logo, designed by Lüc da Schir as a modern take on the old logo, first designed in April 2015 but only officially adopted in December for the elections to the 49th Cosa.


During its existence, the MRPT counted among its members citizens of all provinces. A (roughly complete) list of former members follows:

Party representation


General Election # votes % votes # Cosa seats +/- Party Leader Cosa list leader / Party Whip Notes
October 2011, 43rd Cosa 3 3.95 (#4)
8 / 200
- Ce flag.png Glüc da Dhi Ce flag.png Alexandreu Soleiglhfred In opposition
July 2012, 44th Cosa 12 9.38 (#3)
18 / 200
Increase 10 Ce flag.png Glüc da Dhi Ce flag.png Alexandreu Soleiglhfred In opposition
April 2013, 45th Cosa 13 10.48 (#3)
21 / 200
Increase 3 Ce flag.png Glüc da Dhi Ce flag.png Alexandreu Soleiglhfred In opposition
January 2014, 46th Cosa 28 28.00 (#2)
56 / 200
Increase 35 Ce flag.png Glüc da Dhi Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir In government with Centre-left coalition (Leading)
August 2014, 47th Cosa 23 22.00 (#2)
42 / 200
Decrease 14 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir Ka flag.gif Sevastáin Pinátsch In government with Centre-left coalition (Leading)
June 2015, 48th Cosa 29 22.83 (#3)
46 / 200
Increase 5 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir Fl flag.jpg Breneir Itravilatx (1-2)
Mmflag.png Ian Platschisch (3-6)
In government with Centre-left coalition
March 2016, 49th Cosa 22 18.64 (#3)
37 / 200
Decrease 9 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir Mmflag.png Ian Platschisch In government with RUMP-TNC
December 2016, 50th Cosa 42 39.62 (#1)
79 / 200
Increase 42 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir Mmflag.png Ian Platschisch In government with FreeDems (Leading)
October 2017, 51st Cosa 47 41.59 (#1)
83 / 200
Increase 4 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir Mmflag.png Ian Platschisch (1-5)
Be flag.gif Erschéveþ da Schir (6)
In government with FreeDems (Leading)
July 2018, 52nd Cosa 40 34.78 (#1)
69 / 200
Decrease 14 Mmflag.png Ian Platschisch Ma flag.gif Txoteu É. Davinescu In government with FreeDems (Leading)

List of MRPT MCs

MC Cosa
Txoteu Davinescu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50th 51st 52nd
Erschéveþ da Schir -- -- -- -- -- 48th 49th 50th 51st 52nd
Iac Marscheir -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 51st 52nd
Niclau Patíci -- 44th -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 52nd
Cresti Nouacastra-Läxhirescu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 52nd
Tariq Zubair -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 52nd
Ian Plätschisch -- -- -- -- -- 48th 2 49th 50th 51st --
Martì Valtadestreça -- -- -- -- -- -- 49th 50th 51st 3 --
Alèxandreu Soleiglhfred 43rd 44th 45th 46th -- -- -- 50th 51st 3 --
Ben Putnam -- -- 45th -- -- -- -- -- 51st 3 --
Glüc da Dhi -- -- -- -- -- 48th 2 49th 50th -- --
Breneir Itravilatx -- -- -- -- -- 48th 2 -- -- -- --
Lupulüc da Fhöglha -- -- -- -- 47th 48th -- -- -- --
Sevastáin Pinátsch -- -- -- -- 47th -- -- -- -- --
Tric'hard Carschaleir -- -- -- -- 47th -- -- -- -- --
Renalt da Fhamul -- -- -- -- 47th -- -- -- -- --
Lüc da Schir -- 44th 45th 46th -- -- -- -- -- --
Eovart Andrinescu -- -- -- 46th 1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Magniloqueu Épiqeu da Lhiun -- -- -- 46th -- -- -- -- -- --

In bold the Party Whip (Leader of the MRPT's parliamentary group).

(*1): Eovart Andrinescu resigned his seats and quit the party before the 3rd Clark
(*2): Breneir Itravilatx resigned his seats and quit the party before the 6th Clark, and Glüc da Dhi was appointed to one of the vacant seats as to comply with the seat limit for each MC. He had also resigned as Party Whip earlier in the term, Ian Plätschisch being appointed to the office in his stead.
(*3): Martì Valtadestreça lost his seats by striking out at the end of the 3rd Clark. His 17 seats were reapportioned between two former MCs - former Party Whip Alexandreu Soleiglhfred and Ben Putnam, who last held seats as far back as 2013.


MRPT affiliated Senators currently hold four out of eight Senate seats.

Senate # Senators +/- Senators Notes
Senate for the 43rd Cosa
1 / 7
- da Dhi (CZ) Only opposition Senator.
Senate for the 44th Cosa
1 / 8
- da Dhi (CZ) -
Senate for the 45th Cosa
1 / 8
- da Dhi (CZ) Carschaléir served two Clarks as an independent appointee.
Senate for the 46th Cosa
2 / 8
Increase 1 Carschaléir (BE), da Dhi (CZ) The "Fortress Senäts" term.
Senate for the 47th Cosa
3 / 8
Increase 1 da Schir (BE), da Dhi (CZ), da Lhiun (MM) MRPT holds a plurality before VD Senator Grischun rejoined the RUMP
Senate for the 48th Cosa
3 / 8
- Pinátsch (KA), da Schir (BE), da Lhiun (MM) MRPT holds a plurality after CZ Senator Rôibeardescù left the FreeDems
Senate for the 49th Cosa
3 / 8
- Pinátsch (KA), da Schir (BE), da Lhiun (MM) MRPT holds a plurality
Senate for the 50th Cosa
3 / 8
- Pinátsch (KA), da Schir (BE), da Lhiun (MM) MRPT holds a plurality
Senate for the 51st Cosa
4 / 8
Increase 1 Pinátsch (KA), da Schir (BE), da Dhi (CZ), da Lhiun (MM) MRPT holds a plurality
Senate for the 52nd Cosa
4 / 8
- Pinátsch (KA), da Schir (BE), Soleiglhfred (CZ), Plätschisch (MM) MRPT holds a plurality (majority in 1st, 4th Clark)


The MRPT organized a meeting of its members, known as the Congress, before every General Election. The congress usually lasted around four weeks and features guest speakers, decisions on party policies and appointment to party offices. The presence of guest speakers and the importance of the decisions taken by party members during the congress made the MRPT Congress one of the biggest political events of the year in Talossa.

Congress Zero

A Congress wasn't held for the 44th Cosa, given that the MRPT had just four members at that time.

First Congress

The Congress opened on February 5th and closed on March 5th 2013 (28 days).
The Congress Leader was Glüc da Dhi, and the Deputy Congress Leader was Lüc da Schir. Seven members registered for full voting rights.

  • Glüc da Dhi elected to a second term as Party Leader unopposed
  • Soleiglhfred appointed Party Whip
  • Party Statutes officially approved
  • Guest Speakers: Alexandreu Davinescu (RUMP)
  • Candidates List for the 45th Cosa, Soleiglhfred (1), da Schir (2) and Putnam (3)

Second Congress

The Congress opened on November 3rd and closed on November 30th 2013 (27 days). Ten members registered for full voting rights.
The Congress Leader was Lüc da Schir, and the Deputy Congress Leader was Glüc da Dhi.

  • Lüc da Schir takes over the Secretariat and the role of Party Whip from Alexandreu Soleiglhfred
  • Guest Speakers: C. Carlüs Xheraltescu (ZRT)
  • Candidates List for the 46th Cosa: da Schir (1), Soleiglhfred (2), Andrinescu (3), da Simeon (4), da Lhiun (5), da Dhi (11). Simeon and Andrinescu will later pull out.

Third Congress

The Congress opened on July 24th and closed on August 14th 2014 (21 days).
The Congress Leader was Sevastáin Pinátsch and the Deputy Congress Leader was Glüc da Dhi. Seven members registered for full voting rights.

  • Lüc da Schir elected Party Leader unopposed after Glüc da Dhi decided not to stand for a third term
  • Sevastáin Pinátsch appointed Party Whip
  • Guest Speakers: C. Carlüs Xheraltescu (LIB) and Owen Edwards (PP)
  • Candidates List for the 47th Cosa: Pinátsch (1), Carschaleir (2), da Fhöglha (3), da Fhamul (4), da Schir (11), da Lhiun (12).

Fourth Congress

The Congress opened on April 11th and closed on May 13th 2015 (32 days).
The Congress Leader was Glüc da Dhi and the Deputy Congress Leader was Lüc da Schir. Seven members registered for full voting rights.

  • Breneir Itravilatx appointed Party Whip
  • Guest Speakers: Txec dal Nordselva (PP) and Françal Ian Lux (LIB)
  • Candidates List for the 48th Cosa: Itravilatx (1), Plätschisch (2), da Fhöglha (3), E. da Schir (4), Pinátsch (11), da Dhi (101).

Fifth Congress

The Congress opened on December 15th 2015; the official closing happened on February 15th 2016 (62 days) after being postponed indefinitely following the failure of the King to dissolve the Cosa and call for elections on time.
The Congress Leader was Ian Plätschisch and the Deputy Congress Leader was Lüc da Schir. Seven members registered for full voting rights.

  • Lüc da Schir reelected as Party Leader, defeating Ian Plätschisch
  • Ian Plätschisch appointed Party Whip
  • Guest Speakers: Éovart Grischun (RUMP) and Munditenens Tresplet (FreeDem)
  • Candidates List for the 49th Cosa: Plätschisch (1), da Dhi (2), E. da Schir (3), Vataldestreça (4), da Lhiun (11)

Sixth Congress

The Congress opened on October 18th and closed on November 15th 2016 (28 days).
The Congress Leader was Lüc da Schir, and the Deputy Congress Leader was Ian Plätschisch. Eight members registered for full voting rights.

  • Ian Plätschisch appointed Party Whip
  • Guest Speakers: Inxheneu Crovâ (Independent, later FreeDem) and Martì-Paìr Furxhéir (Independent)
  • Candidates List for the 50th Cosa: Plätschisch (1), da Dhi (2), Soleighlfred (3), Davis (4), E. da Schir (5), Valtadestreça (6), da Schir (11)

Seventh Congress

The Congress opened on August 16th and closed September 14th 2017 (30 days).
The Congress Leader was Txoteu Davinescu, and the Deputy Congress Leader was Ian Plätschisch. Nine members registered for full voting rights.

  • Lüc da Schir unanimously reelected Party Leader
  • Ian Plätschisch appointed Party Whip
  • Candidates List for the 51st Cosa: Plätschisch (1), Marscheir (2), Valtadestreça (3), E. da Schir (5), da Dhi (11), Davinescu (12), Soleighlfred (150), Putnam (151)

Eighth Congress

The Congress opened in the third week of May 2018 and closed on June 14th.
The Congress Leader was Ian Plätschisch, and the Deputy Congress Leader was Lüc da Schir. Eight members registered for full voting rights.
This was the second Congress in a row with a leadership election (which normally happen two Congresses apart), due to former party leader da Schir's resignations; and also the second Congress in a row where no guest speakers were invited.

  • Ian Plätschisch elected as the new Party Leader
  • Txoteu Davinescu appointed Party Whip
  • Candidates List for the 52nd Cosa: Davinescu (1), E. da Schir (2), Marscheir (3), Patici (4), Nouacastra (5), Zubair (6), L. da Schir (11), Plätschisch (12), Soleiglhfred (13), Putnam (100), Valtadestreça (101)

Ninth Congress

A Ninth Congress was scheduled to be held in February 2019, but was cancelled due to the party ultimately dissolving in early March.

Italicized candidate names indicates they were also standing for a Senate seat.

Party Organisation

The MRPT was a democratic party in which most decisions were made by the membership of the party. On 18 January 2013 the members approved statutes for the party. All information about the MRPT could be found in the Party Digest which is issued by the Party Secretary.

Party Leader

The Party Leader was the chief executive of the party, normally elected every other Congress. He was responsible for every party office that isn’t filled by any other member, except that of campaign leader. All decisions made by the party leader can be overruled by the members of the party. So far, every Party Leader has always sat in the Senate during his tenure, although this is not a statutory requirement.

Leader Took office Tenure
#1 Ce flag.png Glüc da Dhi August 2011 3 years
#2 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir 11 August 2014 3 years, 9 months, 4 weeks
#3 Mmflag.png Ian Plätschisch 8 June 2018 8 months, 14 days
- Ma flag.gif Txoteu Davinescu (interim) 22 February 2019 11 days (to dissolution)

Party Whip

The Party Whip was the leader of the MRPT's caucus in the Cosa and effectively the Deputy Leader of the Moderate Radicals. The Party Whip was responsible for leading the internal monthly discussion on the Clark, getting all the MCs of the party focused and on the same line and acting as a spokesperson for certain decisions made by the MRPT MCs.

Should the MRPT get seats in the Cosa, the candidate who was the Cosa list leader became Party Whip. The Party Leader appointed a Whip for the upcoming term during every Congress, which effectively made the position part of a ticket, especially in case of a concurring leadership election; notably, Alex Soleiglhfred was Whip for most of Glüc da Dhi's tenure, and similarly with Ian Plätschisch and Lüc da Schir, and Txoteu Davinescu and Ian Plätschisch.

Should the Party Whip resign or vacate his Cosa seats, the MC who was next on the candidate list for that Cosa became the Party Whip. This happened twice.

Ian Plätschisch was the longest serving Whip in the history of the party, both by number of Clarks and by length of service.

Whip Took office Clarks whipped Left office
#1 Ce flag.png Alèxandreu Soleighlfred November 2011 18 Did not seek reappointment
#2 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir December 2013 5 Ran for Senate
#3 Mmflag.png Sevastáin Pinátsch August 2014 6 Ran for Senate
#4 Ma flag.gif Breneir Itravilatx June 2015 2 Resigned
#5 Mmflag.png Ian Plätschisch September 2015 21 Appointed to Senate
#6 Be flag.gif Erschéveþ da Schir May 2018 1 Did not seek reappointment
#7 Ma flag.gif Txoteu Davinescu June 2018 6 Elevated interim leader
#8 Be flag.gif Erschéveþ da Schir de jure February 2019 - Party dissolved

Deputy Party Whip

This is not an official position, but a provision in the Party Statutes implies that the second placed candidate on the Cosa list is the next-in-line to be Party Whip, and as such is effectively the Deputy Party Whip. Given that the Party Whip is usually the Deputy Leader of the party, this theoretically makes the Deputy Party Whip the third highest ranked officer within the MRPT.

As the Whip is appointed by the leader, this is effectively the second highest elected position within the party.

Deputy Whip Cosa Left office
#1 Be flag.gif Lüc da Schir 44, 45 Appointed Party Whip
#2 Ce flag.png Alèxandreu Soleighlfred 46 Retired from the Cosa
#3 Be flag.gif Tric'hard Carschaleir 47 Retired from the Cosa
#4 Mmflag.png Ian Plätschisch 48.1-2 Ascended to Party Whip
#5 Ka flag.gif Lupulüc da Fhoglha 48.3-6 Retired from the Cosa
#6 Ce flag.png Glüc da Dhi 49, 50 Ran for Senate
#7 Mmflag.png Iac Marscheir 51.1-5 Renounced succession
- Be flag.gif Erschéveþ da Schir - Ascended to Party Whip
#8 Ma flag.gif Txoteu Davinescu 51.6 Appointed Party Whip
#9 Be flag.gif Erschéveþ da Schir 52 Ascended to Party Whip
- Mmflag.png Cresti Nouacastra-Läxhirescu - Party dissolved

Other offices

The Party Secretary was an optional office the Party Leader can appoint. The Party Secretary’s duties included updating the Party Digest and other party documents, and conducting elections and referendums outside the Congress and election season. The holder of this office for most of its existence was Alèxandreu Soleighlfred.

MRPT statutes also used to provide for a Party Speaker (a spokesperson) and a Party Recruiter, however these offices have never been appointed. These positions were repealed altogether following the Eighth Congress.

External Links