Law:The Dandelion Seedling Semi-Protection Amendment
44RZ13: The Dandelion Seedling Semi-Protection Amendment
WHEREAS the CeR is deeply concerned with the basic welfare of Talossan citizens, especially those most likely to be unduly marginalized and left most unprotected, since such welfare is not granted by men but is an intrinsic right which comes from God
WHEREAS Talossa has a glaring deficiency in such protections for the weakest of the weak in its Dandelion citizenry, the unborn
WHEREAS this is a true line-in-the-sand, insomuch as the atrocities are not just be permitted but sanctioned and protected as "rights", to the shame of Talossa and her citizens
THEREFORE be it resolved by the Ziu of the Kingdom of Talossa that the following amendment to Organic Law be recommended to the citizenry for ratification:
The Eleventh (11th) Covenant of Article XIX: Covenants of Rights and Freedoms is hereby striken in its entirety.
Noi urent q'estadra sa:
Eldsfats Blasiüs (CeR)
Suischadna Margreta Drameir Blasiüs (CeR)