Law:The Don't Let the Past Rule the Future Amendment
44RZ9: The Don't Let the Past Rule the Future Amendment
WHEREAS amendments to the orglaw at the moment need the approval of 2/3 of the Senäte, and
WHEREAS this mean that when all senators vote six out of eight need to vote in favour, and
WHEREAS this means in practice amendments need 75% instead of 67% of the vote, and
WHEREAS this means three senators can prevent any change to the orglaw from happening, and
WHEREAS three senators can represent a very small minority of the Talossan population, and
WHEREAS Talossa is protected from changes that have are not supported by a large majority by means of a referendum and a vote in the cosa, and
WHEREAS to amend the extremly important almost timeless Convenants of rights and freedom a 2/3 majority is needed in a referendum anyway, and
WHEREAS this means Talossa is very well protected from quick changes to fundamental parts of the orglaw, that are not broadly supported, even without the Senate, and
WHEREAS a very small minority of active citizens should not be allowed to keep Talossa in the past forever, and
WHEREAS 3/5 in practice is still 62.5%, now
THEREFORE Article XV, Section 1 of the orglaw shall be amended to read: "An amendment to the Organic Law may be made by proclamation by the King where so authorized by:
• A vote of two-thirds in the Cosa, and • A vote of the majority in the Senäts, and • Approval of the majority of voters participating in a referendum on the question of the amendment no later than during the next scheduled general election following the approval of the Ziu.
Proposed changes to this Organic Law that affect the representation of a province in the Senäts, or of the territory or equal sovereignty of a province, shall only be passed with the approval of a majority of participating voters in that province.
FURTHERMORE Article V, Section 11 of the OrgLaw will be repealed.
Noi urent q'estadra sa,
Glüc da Dhi (Senator, Cézembre)
Lüc da Schir (MC, MRPT)
Iason Taiwos (Senator, Benito)