Law:The Duce Day Talossan National Holiday Act
The Duce Day Talossan National Holiday Act
WHEREAS Benito Mussolini has featured prominently in the heart and mind of our King for over a decade; and
WHEREAS the name and legacy of the late Italian creator of Fascism continue to influence the King and feature prominently within Talossan history and culture; now
THEREFORE the Cosâ hereby enacts a nationally observed holiday in remembrance and commemoration of Il Duce. From now on, July 29th each year is proclaimed 'duce day' (mussolini was born 7/29/1883). Talossans are necouraged to observe that day with appropriate reflection, and to shout "DUCE! DUCE! DUCE!" with appropriate enthusiasm and genuflection.
Proposed by: John Joahn (PC-Maritiimi)
Scribe's Note: This Act was repealed by Act of the 42nd Cosa with the passage of 42RZ18