Law:The TalossaFest 91 Act
The TalossaFest 91 Act
The Cosâ hereby establishes a festival to be held in honor of our Talossan State and its Citizens. It is to take place during the afternoon and early evening on one of the following dates (weather permitting): 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3 or 8/10. The object is to get together as Citizens and friends and have fun. Event coordinators are Ben Madiosn, Wes Erni, Dan Lorentz and myself, who will be responsible for arriving at an appropriate date and obtaining the participation of as many other Citizens (with non-Citizens welcome, too), and making sure there will be a wide enough variety of food, drink and entertainment. This event is to be held in Talossa's wonderful Lak Park (exact location to be determined later). Let's make it happen!
Proposed by: John A. Jahn (PC-Maritiimi)