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The 1989 House Law of the House and Dynasty of Madison

We, Robert I, by the Grace of God, King of Talossa and of all its realms and regions, King of Cezembre, Viscount of Vuode, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengopats and the New Falklands, Head of the Church, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Ataturk, Founder of the Great Nation of Talossa, do hereby decree:

==Art. 1== The crown of the Kingdom of Talossa is and remains bestowed upon His Royal Majesty Robert I, King of Talossa, to be possessed hereditarily by him and his legitimate descendants in accordance with the following provisions.

==Art. 2== The crown shall pass by succession to his sons and other male descendants on the male side, by right of primogeniture, provided that in the case of the previous death of one entitled to the succession, the latter's sons or other male descendants on the male side shall take his place in the same manner, and the crown shall never pass to a younger line or a younger branch as long as such a descendant is found in the older line or older branch.

==Art. 3== In default of the successors indicated in the previous article, the crown shall pass to the living daughters of the last deceased King by right of primogeniture.

==Art. 4== In default of the daughters referred to in the previous article, the crown shall pass to the daughters of the descending male lines of the last deceased King, and, failing also these and their descendants, the crown shall pass to the descending female lines. In these cases the older line shall always have precedence over the younger, the male branch over the female, and the older over the younger, and in each branch men shall have precedence over women and older ones over younger ones.

==Art. 5== In default of a successor entitled to the Crown by virtue of the three preceding articles, the Crown shall pass to the line of the prince or princess belonging by birth to the House and Dynasty of Madison, who stands nearest to the last deceased King in the line of descent from Harry L. Madison. In case of an equal degree of relationship, the first born shall have the precedence. If such a blood relative of the King shall have died before the King, his descendants shall take his place, the male line taking precedence over the female, and the older over the younger, and in every line the male branch over the female and the older over the younger, and in every branch men over women and older ones over younger ones.

==Art. 6== With respect to the succession, abdication of the Crown shall have the same consequence as death. This shall apply from the ratification of the House Law by the Cosa and all past abdications prior to said ratification are ignored.

==Art. 7== A child with which a woman is pregnant at the time of the King's death shall be considered as being born as far as the right to the crown is concerned. If it is born dead it shall be considered as having never existed.

==Art. 8== All children born of a marriage concluded by the King or Queen without the consent of the Cosa, or by a prince or princess of the reigning dynasty without the consent granted by a law, shall be excluded from the succession, both as regards themselves and their descendants. By contracting such a marriage a king or queen shall abdicate the Throne and a prince or princess shall forefeit his right thereto. When the Crown has passed to another dynasty either by succession or in accordance with Arts. 11, 12 or 13, the present provisions shall apply only to marriages concluded after the time when the Crown so passed.

==Art. 9== A child adopted legally by a Royal personage, with the approval of a majority in the Cosa, shall take his place in the line of succession as if born naturally to that personage.

==Art. 10== Whenever special circumstances render advisable any change in or provision regarding the order of succession, the King is authorised to make a recommendation to that effect. The Cosa, convened for this purpose in a Living Cosa, shall deliberate and resolve theron by Constituziunal Amdendment.

==Art. 11== When no competent heir exists according to the Constituziun, one shall be appointed by a law, the draft of which shall be presented by the King. The Cosa shall deliberate this draft in a Living Cosa and ratify it by a two-thirds majority.

==Art. 12== When no competent successor exists according to the Constituziun, upon the death of the King, the appointment shall be made directly by the Cosa, which shall be convened in Living Cosa within a month after the King's death. Their decision upon a new King shall not be valid until sustained by a two-thirds "yes" vote in a public referendum.

==Art. 13== All provisions regarding the succession shall become applicable to the descendants of the first King to whom the Crown passes by virtue of the preceding articles, in such a manner that the new dynasty shall derive its origin from him, as far as succession is concerned, in the same manner and with the same effects as the House and Dynasty of Madison, according to Art. 1, derives its succession from Robert I, King of Talossa.

To this House Law We, Robert I, by the Grace of God, King of Talossa and of all its realms and regions, King of Cezembre, Viscount of Vuode, etc. etc., do hereunto set Our Royal Hand and Seal this Eleventh Day of February in the Year of Our Lord the Nineteen Hundred and Eighy-Ninth, and in the year of the Independence of Talossa, the Tenth.

Robert I, King of Talossa