Law:The von Knappe Citizenship Act
The von Knappe Citizenship Act
WHEREAS Hans-Juergen von Knappe is and as a citizen would continue to be a fine asset to the Kingdom of Talossa, and
WHEREAS S:reu von Knappe has requested that his citizenship be granted by Act of the Ziu rather than by the normal "fast-track" procedure, and
WHEREAS Talossa, although rich in pirates, has (until now) lacked citizens with French Foreign Legion experience, and
WHEREAS no matter how good a job Eugene is doing, Asia is just too big a place for one Talossan citizen to cover it adequately,
THEREFORE, the Ziu hereby
INSTRUCTS the Secretary of State to issue a Grant of Citizenship to Hans-Juergen von Knappe,
CONGRATULATES S:reu von Knappe on finding us, and us on finding him, and
WELCOMES him most heartily to the Kingdom of Talossa.
Noi urent q'estadra så: Mà la Mhà Lord Hooligan (Senator, Cézembre), Sir John Woolley (Senator, Florenciâ)