Law:The Super-Concentrated Cleaning Action People-to-Provinces Reform Act
44RZ18: The Super-Concentrated Cleaning Action People-to-Provinces Reform Act
WHEREAS, the catchment area system is a time-honored method of assigning immigrants to provinces, established by the People to Provinces, Again, Act (17RC18) in the 17th Cosa, which itself was a regularization of the pre-existing geographically-based provincial assignment system that dated back at least to the 8th Cosa; and
WHEREAS, many immigrants have been understandably frustrated by the seemingly arbitrary provincial assignments that sometimes result from the "closure" system imposed by the The People to Provinces (No More Microprovinces) Act (34RZ9), which was an overreaction to an extraordinary and temporary situation (the depopulation of some provinces in the Kingdom caused by the Great Schism of 2004) proposed by King Robert I just a few months before he abdicated the throne and renounced his citizenship; and
WHEREAS, this frustration can be ameliorated to a significant degree by changing one -- count it, one -- letter of current law; and
WHEREAS, You Are Where You Live; now
THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Ziu that section 14a of 34RZ9 is hereby amended to delete the third letter "w" and substitute in its place the letters "hr."
Uréu q'estadra sa, Sir C.M. Siervicül (MC RUMP)