Law:The Burger with No Cheese Act
45RZ3, The Burger with No Cheese Act
WHEREAS money and accurate records of financial transactions are very important to any organization, government, or nation
WHEREAS we have lost or misplaced funds and documents, and it is next to impossible to hold someone accountable
WHEREAS the current appointment of Burgermeister allows it to be a 'political' position versus an 'accounting' position,
THEREFORE we, the Ziu, hereby amend Section 2.2 of 35RZ24 “The Royal Household Cleaning Act” to read
2.2 the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue shall be appointed by the Seneschal and shall only be removed by the King with a 2/3 vote of the Ziu.
Noi urent q'estadra sa:
M.T. Patritz da Biondeu (MC-RUMP)
Davíu Lundescu (MC-CSPP)
Flip Molinar (MC-CSPP)
Lüc da Schir (MC-MRPT)
Istefan Perþonest (MC-IND)
Txec Róibeard Nordselva (MC-RUMP)
Iustì Canun (SRT-MA)
Mick Preston (SRT-MM)