Constitution of Maritiimi-Maxhestic

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The following document was drafted by the Constitutional Convention of Maritiimi-Maxhestic, and approved by that body on April 24th, 2008/XXIX. It proceeded to referendum to the people as a whole, and passed unanimously on May 12th, 2008/XXIX.

Constitution of the Province of Maritiimi-Maxhestic

I. Nature of document

This constitution shall be the highest provincial law for this province, Maritiimi-Maxhestic. It shall be superseded only by the Covenant of Rights and Freedoms, the Organic Law of the Kingdom of Talossa, and national statutory law enacted in accordance with the Organic Law.

II. Provincial assembly

A. Political power within the province shall be invested in an Assembly, known as the Provincial Assembly of Maritiimi-Maxhestic. This Assembly shall have the power to make whatsoever laws it deems necessary for the good governance and advancement of the province and the protection of the rights of its citizens, limited only by the Organic Law and national statutory law. The Assembly may pass legislation by majority vote, and the operation of the Assembly shall be determined by law.

B. Candidates for the Assembly shall be required to be at least fourteen years of age, a citizen of good standing of the province, and free from any criminal record in Talossa. The time and manner of elections for Assemblypersons shall be determined by law.

C. The Grand General Secretary shall fulfill the position of premier and leader of the Assembly. He will have ceremonial power to represent the province as needed but shall exercise no other power. He shall be elected by majority vote within the Assembly each term. He may be removed at any time by another majority vote of the Assembly, for any reason.

III. Cunstavál

A Cunstavál shall be appointed by the reigning monarch of Talossa to serve as that personage's formal representative to and liaison with the province. The cunstavál shall enjoy those powers Organically mandated to that office.

IV. Amendments

This document may be amended only by a bill passed by a supermajority of the Assembly and subsequently approved by a majority of the people in a referendum.