''Corrections, additions and amendments to the second edition of «La Scúrzniâ Gramáticâ del Glheþ Talossán»''
Corrections, additions and amendments to the second edition of «La Scúrzniâ Gramáticâ del Glheþ Talossán»
The second edition of «La Scúrzniâ Gramáticâ del Glheþ Talossán» was published in 1996. Since then, various changes have been adopted in the language itself, and some errors have been found in the text of the book. The third edition, now in preparation by CÚG, is due for publication sometime in 2002. Until then, this page will serve as a guide for those who are using the second edition as their tool of reference.
Tomás Gariçéir
Presedînt dal CÚG
Page 9, ch. 2.22, note 2
The rule states that final l changes i before the s of the plural. This change occurs when the l is silent or pronounced [w], but does not occur when the l is actually pronounced as [l]; eg. the plural of faschicül is faschicüls, not "faschicüis".
Page 10, ch. 2.26
The orthographical rules of Talossan now dictate that nouns of the fourth declension take accent marks to indicate the stress pattern: -ic shows that the stress never falls on the "ic", -íc shows that the stress always falls on the "ic", and -ìc shows that the stress falls on the "ic" in the singular, but shifts one syllable to the left in the plural. For example:
revîndic [rêvîndik], pl. revîndici [rêvîndiCi]
amíc [amik], pl. amíci [amiCi]
püblìc [püblik], pl. püblìci [pübliCi]
Page 10, chapter 3 and page 14, ch. 5.4
The "Partitive Problem" vexed both learners and fluent speakers of Talossan until CÚG adopted this change in 1998. Talossan no longer has a "partitive" article. Talossan nouns are now categorised, like English nouns, as "countable" (things that can be counted, eg. chair, idea, person) or "uncountable" (things which cannot be counted, eg. water, fun, patriotism). In English, countable nouns take the indefinite article "a(n)" (a chair, an idea, a person) in the singular, and nothing in the plural (chairs, ideas, persons/people), and uncountable nouns too have nothing in front of them (it's just water, fun, patriotism, not "a water", "a fun", "a patriotism"). In Talossan, nouns don't like to be alone, so the indefinite article is always used; but it takes different forms depending on whether the noun is countable singular, countable plural, or uncountable. Singular countable nouns take ün(â), as described in chapter 3. Plural countable nouns take dels or dals (according to gender), eg. dals cadéirâs, dals idéâs, dels xhînts. Uncountable nouns take del or dal, eg. dal apâ, dal divertà, del pätriôtísmeu.
Page 19, ch. 8.2, 8.3
1.) As an initial L which is flanked on both sides by a vowel is pronounced [D] (see the pronunciation and spelling page, or page 17 of the Treisoûr), the correct pronunciation of lo in 8.2 and à lo in 8.3 is not [lu] and [alu] as given, but [Du] and [aDu].
2. Note that when a pronoun comes after a preposition but is the object of a following verb, it takes the objective form, not the "after a preposition" form. So "of you" is da thú, but "the joy of seeing you" is l'aleretzâ da te vidarë, not "da thú vidarë", because "you" is the object of the verb "see", not of the preposition "of".
Page 25, ch. 10.47
Nowadays, se is used only for the reflexive. For "each other" the phrase l'iens à l'altreu is always used. Note that l'iens à l'altreu is an invariable phrase, eg. "with each other" is cün l'iens à l'altreu , not "l'iens cün l'altreu".
Page 37, ch. 14 The numbers three, four, and ten are tres [três], qator [katër], and bisquinc [biskwiñk]. Any and all occurrences in this chapter and anywhere else in the book (eg. ch. 36.4 on p. 78) of the forms "trèves", "ceatháir" and "detgu" are to be replaced with tres, qator and bisquinc; the former no longer exist.
Page 41, ch. 16.2
Some alternative forms derived from North African Latin (el Rumán in Talossan) have been added alongside the names given. Friday may also be called Chenápurâ, February may be called Schevráglh, March may be called Març, and September may be called Cäpstánneu. Of course the terms given (Viénerçi, Fevráglh, Martâ and Setemvár) are still perfectly good Talossan, but CÚG would like to encourage the use of the Rumán-derived names.
Page 51, ch. 23.18
The alternative imperative in -a has been unabolished, and may be used whenever and wherever desired. Any "CÚG frowing" which may have occured in the past is long gone, and the -a imperative is now used just as often as the -etz imperative.
Page 63, ch. 30.3
The example sentence "Tú tú lavás las màns" is incorrect and chould read Tú te lavás las màns.
Page 66, ch. 31.73, 31.74
1.) The sentences "Tú non fost vidarë-la" and "Tú fost non vidarë-la" should read Tú non fost la vidarë and Tú fost non la vidarë.
2.) The "double non" is idiomatic, but the more logical structure Eu non pût non estarë afectat, Ça non pût non vëlarë zirarë acest is also permissible.
Page 67, ch. 32.2
It was accidentally omitted that the preposition à takes the form àð when the following word begins with a vowel.
Page 69, ch. 34.24
Another common abbreviation which should be added to the list is TM, which stands for Telaragñhâ Mondiál (World Wide Web).
Page 70, ch. 34.341
The example sentence "C'è'n problüm o mismeu" is incorrect and should read C'è'n problüm ça mismeu.
Page 75, ch. 35.72
An additional category of place names has been added: Those ending in -nesïa, which form adjectives and nouns in -nés, eg. Indonesïa/Indonés (Indonesia/Indonesian).
Page 77, ch. 36.3
The root of leiturïa is leituri-, not "leitur-" -- when a vowel precedes an ending or a suffix, it remains part of the stem.
Page 78, ch. 36.32, 36.4
The suffix "-ét" is now -êt.