Law:Reopening Immigration PD
Reopening Immigration PD
I, Fritz von Buchholtz, Seneschl del Regipats Talossan, with the full weight and authority of my august position do hereby and forthwith declare the following Prime Dictate:
Whereas, on the 14th day of August, 2005, the former Prime Minister of Talossa did issue a Prime Dictate halting all immigration into the kingdom of Talossa, and
Whereas, such said Prime Dictate was not countersigned by the King as required in Art. XI:Sec.5. of the Organic Law, and
Whereas, I find this action to not be in the best interests of the Kingdom,
Therefore, and with the advice of the Supreme Court, I rescind the previous P.D. and restore all individuals rights to apply for citizenship through the Minister of Immigration into the great Kingdom of Talossa.
God Save the King and God Bless Talossa!
Done under my hand this twenty-first day of August, two thousand and five.