Law:The Alan Gelfand Act
The Alan Gelfand Act
WHEREAS the Graham Chapman Act didn't pass, and
WHEREAS one of the provisions of said act was to do away with the (not one but) two laws currently on the books which make skateboarding illegal in Talossa, and
WHEREAS Duuude..., now
THEREFORE both 12RC11—The Skateboard Act and 17RC35—The Ban the Obnoxious Adolescent Idiots Act **are hereby repealed**.
Noi Urent q'estadra sa: Iustì Canun (SRT, MA), Ma Lord Hooligan (MC, RUMP)
**Scribe's Note: The enacting phrase "are hereby repealed" was inadvertently left out of the bill. Despite this glaring oversight, the Act was passed unanimously in the Cosa and with only one Senator abstaining. Legislative intent was determined based on discussions recorded in The Hopper. Language in asterisks was added by the Scribe for clarification.** The repealed Acts are available for review here 12RC11 and here 17RC35