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Title Z is a bit longer than the current text, but they are mainly operative instructions to the Scribery on how to mantain the Lexhatx. I'll briefly explain the purpose of each section.

The starting point is: everyone wants el Lexhatx to be clear, in order, with all references corrected, but we can't reasonably except the Scribery everytime it adds a bill in the Lexhatx to change all numbers and browse all references to correct them. It will be a too demanding work for the Scribery, and the fact that there has been to many mistakes/errors in the past requiring this maintenance it's not a fault of the Scribes but a consequence of the fact that the text has became too big and we are asking too much to the Scribe. Concerning the numbers, we could switch to the automatic numbered list on wiki, but that's could create difficulties to people to find the correct section becuase numbers are nested but not repeated, so instead of having 1., 1.2., 1.2.3.;, they would be displayed as 1., 2., 3., 2., and the Scribery when adding provisions would only see #, ##, ###, #### and not numbers. This solution in addition will still requires the Scribery to look for all references in other part of the Lexh and to correct them. The solution I propose is to freeze the structure of the text, so the Scribery will only have to renumber, remove empty section and correct references only once at the end of each Cosă. If we do this, the text will always be clean and tidy, in order and we will not ask the Scribery too much.

- Z.2.1.; Z.2.2.; Z.5. and Z.6.4. realise the above by providing for a "ban" on general renumbering clauses, instructions on how to insert new sections if there are already sections with that number with provisional numbering and to leave empty sections (otherwise without provisional numbers and empty sections we will de facto force a renumbering of the following sections), and at the end of each Cosă the Scribery will do all actions required by Z.6.4. to have an ordered Lexhatx. If someone would LOVE to renumbers sections he has two way of doing this: amends the text replancing all following (sub)sections or (Z.2.1.) explicitly amends each (sub)sections and each references. It's not fair to ask the Scribery to do a grevious job everytime a legislator just need to write "all following sections are renumbered": if someone wants to do that without waiting for the end of the Cosa, at least he should do the work himself to find all sections that should be renumbered and references that should be corrected.

- Z.3. and Z.6.3. allows for easy and dynamic linking in the wiki to the referenced provisions directly in the text without adding too much footnotes that are simply a reference to another section.

- Z.4.1. allows the Scribery to put the correct meaning of the word "Bill" and "Act" in L'Anuntzia dels Legeux: once a bill is approved is an act and no longer a bill!

- Z.6.1. is a calque of the existing procedure for clarked bill, to allow the Scribery to correct ONLY formatting, grammar and spelling in approved statutes provided that 1/3 of Senator, 1/3 of MCs, the Seneschal, the Túischac’h or the Mençei don't object the change,

- Z.6.2. prevents a repetition with footnotes or other wiki-format-language of what happened with RZ numbers appended at the end of the sections that have been copy-pasted and inserted inside the legal text of Lexh and Org sections: the Scribery is authorised to consider them scribal errors and ignore them.

- Z.6.5. allows the Scribery to keep the ortography of glheþ words in the Lexhatx updated, except where we decide to keep old ortographic rules for historical context.

- Z.7. is the existing procedure simplyfied: insted of having to fix the errors with the authors and then post a public notice that could be opposed, now the Scribery just post the notice and the author(s) alone can block the changes. It's the same result but faster and simpler (the Scribery can of course talk with the authors, but it's not oblige to. The author can still block the change by simply opposing it instead of not allowing - lack of cooperation - the Scribery to post the notice.

- Z.8. is an evolution of current Z.3.

- Z.58 simply removes the names and add a non-necessary provision but it's worth put that in clear.

That's it, all other subsections are simply those already existing maybe placed in a different position. C.1.3. is simplified and all isctructions and directions on how to mantain the Lexh are now in Title Z.


THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by Regeu, Cosă and Senäts in Ziu assembled that the Scribery is instructed to execute all instructions amending el Lexhtatx in other statues approved in the same Clark when this statute was approved, and then to apply the followings:

1. The brackets containing statute numbers at the end of the following sections are removed:

(a) Title A (sub)sections § 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 15.2, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23;
(b) Title B (sub)sections § 1, 2, 2.2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11;
(c) Title C (sub)sections § 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.2, 1.2.1,, 1.2.2.,,,,, 1.2.3., 1.3., 1.3.1., 1.3.2., 1.3.3., 1.3.4., 1.3.5., , 1.4., 1.4.1., 1.4.2., 1.4.3., 1.4.4., 1.4.5., 1.4.6. 1.4.7., 1.5., 1.5.1., 1.5.2., 1.5.3., 1.5.4., 1.6., 1.6.1., 1.7., 2, 2.1, 3.2, 4, 6, 5, 7;
(d) Title D (sub)sections §
(e) Title E (sub)sections § 7.1, 9, 11, 12;
(f) Title F (sub)sections § 1, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19.1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 35, 36, 37, 40;
(g) Title G (sub)sections § 0
(h) Title H (sub)sections §
(i) Title I (sub)sections § 2.1, 2.2, 2.4;
(j) Title J (sub)sections § 0
(k) Title K (sub)sections § 0
(l) Title L (sub)sections § 1, 3, 4.

2. In Lexh.H § 21, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3, 21.4, 21.5. the words "(54RZ21) repealing both (50PD01) (52RZ3)" are removed.

3. The following amendments are made:

(a) Title A shall be re-titled "Codeu Xhüdesch / Judicial Code" and in (sub)section(s) §
i., and the words "100 louis" shall be replaced with "ℓ100";
ii. 15. shall be moved after J.3.;
iii. 16. the words "Except as provided in A.17, whoever" shall be replaced with "Whoever";
iv. 20. the words "the Ziu" shall be replaced with "The Ziu";
v. 16, 20, 22 and E.12 shall be moved after A.8.;
(b) Title B shall be re-titled "Eleziuns / Elections" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 14. and the words "Org.IV.6" shall replaced with "Org.V.8";
(c) Title C shall be re-titled "Funziun Rexhital / Royal Civil Service" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 1. shall be replaced with the following: "Els Óifischen dal Funziun Rexhital (in english, the Offices of the Royal Civil Service). The head of each such Óifisch shall be an Uficieir dal Funziun Rexhital (in english, Officer of the Royal Civil Service), and the duties and functions of the offices shall be those described below."
ii. 1.1 shall be replaced with the following: "The various Büreux (in english, Bureau of Office) created within the Ministries, headed by a Secretar Permanint (in english, a Permanent Secretary)."
iii. 1.2. the words "The Chancery, headed by the Secretary of State." shall be replaced with "La Cantzelerïă (in english, the Chancery), headed by el Secretar d'Estat (in english, the Secretary of State).";
iv. 1.2.1
v. 1.2.2 the words "Bureau of the Census" shall be replaced with "Büreu del Censüs (in english, Bureau of the Census)";
vi. 1.2.3. the words "M.2.1" shall be replaced with "C.1.2.1.";
vii. 1.4. the words "The Royal Archives, headed by the Royal Archivist." shall be replaced with "Els Müstairs Rexhitais (in english, The Royal Archives), headed by el Müstairistà Rexhital.";
viii 1.4.1. shall be removed;
(d) Title D shall be re-titled "Governamaintsch / Government" and in (sub)section(s) §
(e) Title E shall be re-titled "Inmigraziun / Immigration" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 7.2. shall be removed;
ii. 7.3.3. the word "article" shall be removed;
(f) Title F shall be re-titled "Cúltură / Culture" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 1.15. the word "MCs" shall be replaced with "Membreux dal Cosă";
ii. 2.2. shall be replaced with the following: "April 20: Reunision Day - Commemorating the royal proclamation of Reunision and the end of the National Schism";
iii. 2.4. shall be removed;
iv. 2.5. shall be replaced with the following "June 1: Republic Day - Commemorating the foundation of the Talossan Republic (2004-2012) as a day to honour democracy and the popular will, for both Republican and Monarchist traditions.";
v. after 2.8 shall be added the following:
"2.9. The government of the Kingdom shall further recognise and observe as public holidays;
2.9.1. any and all days which may be proclaimed as such by the Crown;
2.9.2. the day of, or the day before, the birthday of the current Sovereign.";
vi. 3. shall be removed;
vii. 4. shall be moved after section F.5;
viii. 5. the words "The government of the Kingdom shall recognise and observe as a public holiday the day of, or the day before, the birthday of the current Sovereign." shall be replaced with "Days of Observace not fixed to a specific day of the week shall be observed on a Monday in years in which it falls on a Sunday, and shall be observed on the preceding Friday in years in which it falls on a Saturday."
ix. after 5.2.4. shall be added the following: "December 10: Human Rights Day. A suggested method to celebrate Human Rights Day is reviewing Article XI of The Organic Law and/or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.";
x. 5.3. the words "Minister of Culture" shall be replaced with "Seneschal";
xi. 5.3.13. shall be removed;
xii. before 6. shall be added the following: "The list of National Symbols and Immaterial XXXXXXX is as follows:" and sections F.6, F.7, F.9, F.13, F.14, F.15, F.16, F.19 and its subesctions, F.20, F.21, F.22, F.23, F.24, F.25, F.31 and its subsections shall be moved as its new subsections (and subsubsections);
xiii. 27. the words "as if to make a 'fascist' salute but" shall be replaced with "perpendicular to the body and parallel to the ground";
xiv. 35. the words "Enver Hoxha International Airport shall be known in perpetuity" shall be replaced with "The international airport serving Talossa shall be known in the Kingdom";
xv. 38. shall be moved after K.1;
xvi. the words "It was established by 25RZ77, The Senatorial Medal of Honour Act." shall be removed;
(g) Title G shall be re-titled "Xhuricină / Administration of Justice" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 1. the words "The General Cort of Talossa" shall be replaced with "The National Corts system."
ii. 1.2. the words "the General Cort of Talossa" shall be replaced with "la Dreptüră (in english, the General Cort)"
iii. 3.1.3. the words "3.2." shall be replaced with "G.3.1.2.";
iv. 3.1.4. the words "or 3.2.1." shall be removed;
v. 4. the words "The Clerk of the Corts. The Clerk of the Corts shall be" shall be replaced with "El Clarqeu del Corts. El Clarqeu del Corts (in english, the Clerk of the Corts) shall be";
vi. 6.8. the words "This section takes precedence over G.1.6." shall be removed;
vii. 10.1.1. the words "as specified in section 10.1.1" shall be removed;
viii. 10.3.
ix. 10.5. the words "Tribunal of the Crown" shall be replaced with "Dierxhiră dal Coronǎ (in english, Tribunal of the Crown)";
(h) Title H shall be re-titled "Procedançeu lexhislatïu / Legislative procedure" and in (sub)section(s) §
(i) Title I shall be re-titled "Militar / Military" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 1. the words "The Royal Talossan Navy shall be administered by the Admiral of the Fleet" shall be replaced with "El Marì Rexhital Talossan (in english, the Royal Talossan Navy) shall be administered by el Amiral dal Ufrudă (in english, the Admiral of the Fleet";
(j) in Title J (sub)section(s) §
i. 1. the words "as described in Lexh. D.2.10" shall be removed;
(k) Title K shall be re-titled "Subziviçaziuns teritoriais / Territorial subdivisions" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 1. the words "Cantons (els Cantons) and Provinces" shall be replaced with "Cantons (in english, Cantons) and Provinçuns (in english, Provinces)"
(l) Title L shall be re-titled "Uschicisnă / Miscellany" and in (sub)section(s) §
i. 5. which now reads "The Royal College of Arms shall create and maintain all Talossan flags and coats of arms and achievements, to advise and support the King in the awarding of all such arms and all titles of honour and nobility, to advise the citizens regarding heraldic issues, and to govern the armorial practice and regulations of the Kingdom. The Royal College of Arms is headed by the Squirrel King (or Queen) of Arms, who is appointed and removed by the King on the recommendation of the Seneschál." shall be amended to read "El Coletx d'Armeux Rexhital (in english, the Royal College of Arms), headed by el Regeu-Hamiltă, or Rexheiçă-Hamiltă, d'Armeux (in english, Squirrel King or Queen of Arms) appointed and removed by the King on the recommendation of the Seneschal, shall create and maintain all Talossan flags and coats of arms and achievements, advise and support the King in the awarding of all such arms and all titles of honour and nobility, advise the citizens regarding heraldic issues, and govern the armorial practice and regulations of the Kingdom."


4. Lexh.C.1.3 which currently read

1.3. The Scribery of Abbavilla, headed by the Scribe of Abbavilla. The functions of the Scribery are to maintain and publish the Organic and statutory laws of the Kingdom. (52RZ4)
1.3.1. The Scribe of Abbavilla shall maintain all laws in L'Anuntzia dels Legeux, insofar as possible, with the same content that was approved by the Ziu, except that amending acts that refer to section numbers in pre-existing statutes that were changed by the Scribery shall be construed as referring to the equivalent section numbers in the amended statutes as originally enacted. (52RZ4)
1.3.2. The Scribe of Abbavilla shall maintain el Lexhatx in accordance with the directions in Title Z. The Scribe shall thus advise all proposers of bills to the Clark on proper formatting of their bills to conform with Title Z. (52RZ4)
1.3.3. If the Scribe, or their deputy(s), finds an error in the formatting, grammar, or spelling of a bill which is currently in the Clark, or is alerted of same, they shall work with the sponsor of the bill to fix said error(s). (52RZ4)
1.3.4. The Scribe, or their deputy(s), shall publicize any proposed changes to a bill, with the approval of the author. The changes are deemed to have been implemented after they have been public for seven days, unless the changes are disallowed by the conditions of C.1.2.5. (52RZ4)
1.3.5. If, before the proposed changes are implemented, a petition of MCs representing at least 1/3 of the seats in the Cosa, or a petition of at least 1/3 of the Senators, goes before the Scribe in protest of the proposed changes to a bill, the changes cannot be implemented.(52RZ4)

shall be amended to read as follows:

1.3. La Scriuerïă d'Abbavilla (in english, the Scribery of Abbavilla), headed by el Grefieir d'Abbavilla (in english, the Scribe of Abbavilla). The functions of the Scribery are to maintain and publish the Organic and statutory laws of the Kingdom.
1.3.1. The Scribery shall maintain all Resoluziuns del Ziu and Prüms Dideux in L'Anuntzia dels Legeux, in accordance with the directions in Title Z,
1.3.2. The Scribery shall maintain el Lexhatx in accordance with the directions in Title Z;
1.3.3. The Scribery shall thus advise all proposers of bills to the Clark on proper formatting of their resolutions to conform with Title Z.

5. Title Z of the Lexhatx which currently read

Z. Validity of el Lexhatx

1. It is the intent and expectation of the Ziu that future resolutions of the Ziu intended to create statutory law will be drafted as amendments to this Lexhatx, such that the operative clauses of the resolutions are incorporated into the body of el Lexhatx. The full text of such resolutions, including "whereas" clauses and sponsor information, shall be preserved in l'Anuntzia dels Legeux as legislative history.

2. El Lexhatx shall be organized by lettered title. This title, Z. Validity of el Lexhatx, would thus be called "Title Z." Each title shall be further organized by a nested numbering system. Each individual numbered provision may be referred to by referencing its title and number. This provision would thus be called "Z.2." To minimize ambiguity, each individual numbered provision of the first level (e.g. Z.2) shall be called a "section," and individually numbered provisions set within a section shall be called "subsections" (e.g. Z.2.1). For each additional nested later, another "sub-" prefix may be included. Thus, Z. would be referred to as subsubsubsection Z.

3. If and when a new provision is incorporated into el Lexhatx, its originating statute shall be noted with the provision.

4. In time, it is hoped that el Lexhatx will be supplanted with a new code, written in el Glheþ Talossan. Sir C.M. Siervicül and Magniloqueu Épiqeu da Lhiun are to be commended already for their aid in this regard.

59. Fifty-nine is a neat number.

shall be amended to read as follows:

Z. Valáviel es entretién del Lexhatx / Validity and manteinance of the Lexhatx

1. El Lexhatx shall be organized by lettered title. This title, Z. Validity of el Lexhatx, would thus be called "Title Z." Each title shall be further organized by a nested numbering system. This provision would thus be called "Z.2." To minimize ambiguity, each individual numbered provision of the first level (e.g. Z.2) shall be called a "section," and individually numbered provisions set within a section shall be called "subsections" (e.g. Z.2.1). For each additional nested later, another "sub-" prefix may be included. Thus, Z. would be referred to as subsubsubsection Z.

2. Resoluziuns del Ziu and Prüm Diktats intended to create statutory law, except for appropriating bills and those statutes which have a temporally defined validity before expiring, shall be drafted as amendments to this Lexhatx, such that the operative clauses are incorporated into the body of the Lexhatx.

2.1. General renumbering clauses of (sub)sections of the Lexhatx are not allowed, amendments to the numbering of sections shall explicitly identify each (sub)section's number and its amended equivalent and all connected references to be amended.
2.2. When a new (sub)section is inserted before an existing (sub)section, the direction shall be written as to be inserted after the preceding (sub)section (i.e.: the direction for a new section before Z.6. shall be written as "a new section is inserted after section Z.5.").

3. References should be made according with the following subsections:

3.1. References to provisions of the Lexhatx should be made according with Z.1 by appending to "Lexh." the letter of the specific title, and then by adding the nested numbers of the section or subsection. Thus, this subsection would be referred as Lexh.Z.3.1. . The "Lexh." could be omitted in the Lexhatx to refers to provisions whithin, this subsection would then be referred as Z.3.1. .
3.2. References to provisions of the Legeu Orgänic should be made by appending to "Org." the roman number of the specific article, and then by adding the nested numbers of the section or subsection. Thus, Article IV Section 2 would be referred as Org.IV.2. .

4. The Scribery to fulfill its duties provided in C.1.3.1. is perpetually authorised:

4.1. once a Resoluziun del Ziu comes into force, to alter in the title the word "bill" with "act", and the word "proxhet" with "legeu";
4.2. Resoluziuns del Ziu and Prüms Dideux shall be mantained, insofar as possible, with the same content that was enacted, except that amending acts that refer to section numbers in pre-existing statutes that were changed by the Scribery shall be construed as referring to the equivalent section numbers in the amended statutes as originally enacted;
4.3. the full text of Resoluziuns del Ziu and Prüms Dideux, including "whereas" clauses and sponsor information, shall be preserved in l'Anuntzia dels Legeux as legislative history.

5. The Scribery to fulfill its duties provided in C.1.3.2. is instructed:

5.1. to leave empty those (sub)sections that are repealed by a Resoluziun del Ziu or a Prüm Diktat;
5.2. to insert new (sub)sections before already numbered (sub)sections with a provisional number in the form "preceding number - #" (i.e.: a new section after Z.5 but before Z.6 is to be inserted as Z.5-1.);
5.3. to not renumber (sub)sections unless when provided by Z.2.1. and Z.6.4.;
5.4. to perform any other instruction contained in the statute which doesn't conflict with the provisions of this Title.

6. The Scribery to fulfill its duties provided in C.1.3.2. is perpetually authorised:

6.1. if it finds an error in the formatting (except for those provided in Z.5.2 and Z.5.3.), grammar, or spelling of a Resoluziun del Ziu or a Prüm Diktat, before inserting the amending part in the official consolidated version of the Lexhatx it shall publicize any proposed changes that are deemed to have been implemented after they have been public for seven days, unless the changes are disallowed by the conditions of the following subsection;
6.1.1. if, before the proposed changes are implemented, a petition of Membreux dal Cosă representing at least 1/3 of the seats in the Cosă, or a petition of at least 1/3 of the Senators, or of any one of the Seneschál, the Túischac’h or the Mençei goes before the Scribery in protest of the proposed changes, the changes cannot be implemented;
6.2. to consider in the operative clauses of a Resoluziun del Ziu or a Prüm Diktat any part of the text that is a clear scribal copy-and-paste from the wiki formatting or code of the official consolidated version of the Lexhatx (i.e.: [245] as a reference to a footnote in the wiki version) as a scribal mistake and shall not include it in the official consolidated version;
6.3. to replace in the text of the official consolidated version of the Lexhatx any references in the operative clauses of a Resoluziun del Ziu or a Prüm Diktat to provisions of the Lexhatx or the Legeu Orgänic to the one described in Z.3 to allow for the dynamic linking to those provisions in the official consolidated version of the Lexhatx (i.e.: "Article VI Section 8 of the Legeu Orgänic" will be replaced with "Org.VI.8.");
6.4. at the end of each Cosă to proceed to, in this order:
6.4.1. remove from the official consolidated version of the Lexhatx any empty (sub)sections;
6.4.2. renumbers all (sub)sections in a consequential order removing provisional numbers (as provided in Z.5.2);
6.4.3. alter any references to provisions of the Lexhatx or the Legeu Orgänic to the then current reference of the equivalent provisions in the official consolidated versions of the Lexhatx or the Legeu Orgänic they were originally referred to;
6.5. to modify in the text of the official consolidated version of the Lexhatx the ortography of the words in el glheþ to the current ortographic rules officialy sacntioned by la Società per l'Ilesnaziun del Glheþ Naziunal unless the changes are disallowed by the conditions of the following subsections;
6.5.1. the text of the Seneschal Oath in H.1.2. shall be preserved for historical concerns.

7. If the Scribery to fulfill its duties provided in C.1.3.3 finds an error in the formatting, grammar, or spelling of a Resoluziun which is currently in the Clark, or is alerted of same, it shall publicise any proposed changes that are deemed to have been implemented after they have been public for seven days, unless the changes are disallowed by the conditions of the following subsection;.

7.1. If, before the proposed changes are implemented, a petition of Membreux dal Cosă representing at least 1/3 of the seats in the Cosă, or a petition of at least 1/3 of the Senators, or of (at least one of) the author(s) goes before the Scribery in protest of the proposed changes, the changes cannot be implemented.

8. The Scribery in the official consolidated versions of the Lexhatx and of the Legeu Orgänic shall append at the end of each (sub)section a wiki footnote to note its originating statute and other useful informations it deems useful for the comprehension of the text and its legislative evolution.

58. In time, it is hoped that el Lexhatx will be supplanted with a new code, written in el glheþ.

58.1. If a translation of el Lexhatx is made, the official text is the one enacted.

59. Fifty-nine is a neat number.


6. The Scribery is instructed to execute the procedures set in the new sections Z.6.4.1., Z.6.4.2., Z.6.4.3. as provided in the previous section;

7. glheþ