Category:Laws amending the Organic Law
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This a list of all laws amending the Organic Law post 2019/XL (the 53RZ18 "Still Into This Amendment").
See here the history of the 1997 Organic Law.
Pages in category "Laws amending the Organic Law"
The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
- Law:54RZ16 The There's No Such Thing As A Free Senäts Seat Amendment
- Law:54RZ22 The Amada Mertgedes Martyrdom Memorial Act
- Law:54RZ23 The Uniform Seneschál Election Act
- Law:54RZ25 Judiciary Amendment of 2020
- Law:54RZ28 The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment
- Law:55RZ22 The Amendment to the Organic Law (Seneschal Election Tweaks) Bill
- Law:55RZ23 The Due Process Reversion Amendment
- Law:55RZ5 The Self-Destructing Senäts Repeal (Organic Law Amendment Bill)
- Law:56RZ10 The Small OrgLaw Amendment (Dignity of the Túischac'h) Act
- Law:56RZ11 Amendment on Reserved Seats for New Citizens
- Law:56RZ9 The Small OrgLawAmendment (Seneschál's Rights in the Hopper) Act
- Law:57RZ19 The Seneschal Selection and Reselection Amendment
- Law:57RZ27 The Dandelions Start At Fourteen Amendment
- Law:58RZ13 The Legal Repair Amendment
- Law:59RZ21 9 to 5 Amendment
- Law:59RZ22 The Succession Amendment
- Law:59RZ6 The Hand Of The King Needs No Glove Puppet Amendment