Law:The There are TWO Languages and ONE King Act
38RZ12 — The There are TWO Languages and ONE King Act
WHEREAS in the Kingdom of Talossa there are two official languages, and
WHEREAS those languages are English and El Glheþ Talossan, and
WHEREAS when you have two official languages you should use them both, and
WHEREAS it is seems a bit silly that the King signs bills online, and
WHEREAS it would make us seem much less like an internet club if he actually signed them, now
THEREFORE be it hereby recorded that it is the collective will of the Ziu that:
- If at all possible, bills presented for review in the Hopper should be translated into Talossan before being Clarked.
- The King shall sign a physical printed copy of bills at the time they pass into law, and collect these bills for posterity.
TANDI QE in el Regipäts Talossan sint douas glheþen uficiais, es
TANDI QE acestilor glheþen sint Angleasca es El Glhetg Talossan, es
TANDI QE quand tu tent douas glheþen uficiais tu fost uçarh embù, es
TANDI QE ça sembla seltsam qe el Regeu signa els proxhet sürligna. es
TANDI QE ça noi façadra semblarh multeu míus come 'n c'hlub d'Internet schi o lor signadra actualmint, nun
PER ACEASTA RAZIUN, c'e la Ceadfa da Ziu qe:
- Schi isch pouçival, proxhets qe presentent per recentza in el "Hopper" foßent glheþinarh avant da "Clarkent"
- El Regeu signarha 'n copia squetschada es füçical del proxhet àl temp qe valident ainciün legeu, es colectarhent acestilor proxhets per posterità.
Uréu q'estadra sa:
Alexandreu Gavárþic'h