Àr Päts

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Ár Päts (Our Country) by R. Ben Madison is the Founder's of Talossa summarized narrative of the Talossan nationette from before its foundation to the days when the Founder abdicated the throne and renounced his citizenship in August 2005. In later extant editions, he details his take on Talossan history through the year 2008/XXIX.

This text provides the reader a detailed outline of the history of Talossa from before its founding in 1979/I, but it has often been criticized for an extraordinary level of over-bias that only increases with every new edition. It is, first and last, Ben's version of Talossan history.

The linked presentations below have had all original-language names of all but public figures translated into Talossa per the Talossan Book of Names, 8th Edition. These presentations were formatted and put together by Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h with great assistance with name-translations by Danihel Txechescu.

Ár Päts exists in four known editions: