36th Cosa

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The 36th Cosa Session commenced on August 1 2006.

Members of the 36th Cosa

Due to several seat reassignments during the Cosa, individual member seat numbers below do not add up to the total shown and are to be used only as a guideline. The total seats held by the party for the session are shown correctly at the bottom of each table.


Members of the 36th Cosa representing the RUMP.

Member's name Number of Seats
Ian da Bitour 12
Nicolâ Casálmac'h 11
Sevastáin Casálmac’h 10
Albrec'ht Cheléir 12
Bleic'h Ianescu 12
Mataiwos Nanamavéu 10
T.M. Asmourescu 6
Sir Mick Preston 12
Nikü Spyropoulos 11
Viteu Marcianüs 11
Joel Wood 6
Eugene Oh 7
Danihel Lauriéir 10
Sir Trotxâ Betiñéir 10
George Dougherty 10
Xhorxh Pol Briga 9
Total seats held by party 113


Members of the 36th Cosa representing the CLP.

Member's name Number of Seats
Corrine de Winter 11
Brad Holmes 10
Samuhel Tecladeir 12
Greg Rajala 10
Polly Holdorf 10
Al Simmerman 11
Jospeh Walkland 11
Joel Wood 10
Patrick Woolley 11
Sevastáin Casálmac’h 10
Nic Casálmac’h 11
Total seats held by party 86


Members of the 36th Cosa representing the DOTT.

Member's name Number of Seats
Danihel Lauriéir 1
Total seats held by party 1

Writ of dissolution for the 36th Cosa

A writ of dissolution for the 36th Cosa does not seem to have been publicly issued.