Senate for the 43rd Cosa

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The Senate for the 43rd Cosa consisted of seven seats. Following this Cosa, the Senate was expanded to eight members with the creation of the province of Fiova.


A by-election was held for the Senate seat for Maritiimi-Maxhestic, having been filled by appointment after becoming vacant during the 41st Cosa. In the election, Senator Preston retained the seat to which he had been appointed. Senator Preston took six votes, with two cast for Istefan Lorentzescu, and Senator Preston's own vote going to G. Rajala.

In the election for the Florencian Senate seat, the incumbent Ieremiac'h Ventrutx defeated Olaf Brainerd, 10-2.

In Maricopa, Sir Iustì Canun, running unopposed to succeed himself, was re-elected unanimously, taking all nine votes cast.


The members of the Senate for the 43rd Cosa, listed in the order of the scheduled expiration of their terms, were:

Province Senator Senate Seat Contested
1 2 3 4 5 6
Maritiimi-Maxhestic Sir Mick Preston, UrN With 43rd Cosa
Benito Tímoþi Asmourescu With 43rd Cosa
Vuode Viteu Marcianüs With 44th Cosa
Atatürk Bradley Holmes With 44th Cosa
Cézembre Glüc da Dhi With 45th1 Cosa
Florencia Ieremiac'h Ventrutx With 45th Cosa
Maricopa Sir Iustì Canun, UrGP With 46th1 Cosa

Senator Holmes was elected to serve as Mençei of the Senate.


1 Upon the creation of the province of Fiova, Organic Law was changed as regards the number of Senatorial terms expiring with the dissolution of each Cosa. With this reform, Senators da Dhi and Canun saw their terms of service shortened by a single Cosa, so that effective with the 44th Cosa, Senator da Dhi's term was set to expire as of the end of that Cosa, and Senator Canun's at the dissolution of the 45th Cosa.