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Reunision is the name given to the process by which the citizens of the Talossan Republic became citizens of the Kingdom of Talossa, ending the eight-year schism that began with the Crisis of 2004.

The process was initiated by the "modest proposal" sent by representatives of the Republic to the King and government of the Kingdom, indicating a willingness to dissolve the Republic should its citizens be accepted with minimal conditions as citizens of the Kingdom. The proposal received immediate and enthusiastic support from the Kingdom, and each party created a three-member commission to determine the details of the transition.

The members of the Commission of the Republic were Miestrâ Schivâ, Dieter Vercáriâ, and Carlüs Xheraltescu. The members of the Commission for the Kingdom were King John, Seneschal Litz Cjantscheir, and Distain Baron Hooligan.

The term "reunision" was an unintentional coinage by Baron Hooligan during discussions among the commission members. These discussions centered on the question of the recognition of the dates of Talossanity for those persons entering the Talossan culture by joining the Republic during the schism, and on the creation of a new, eighth province (which became Fiova) which would have as its initial population the reunisioning citizens.


Key dates in the process of Reunision were:

  • 1 December 2011: delivery of the "modest proposal" and its response
  • 26 December 2011: public announcement of the ongoing discussions is made by the King in his Independence Day speech
  • 43rd Cosa: enabling legislation is passed in the Kingdom to:
    • allow the Prime Minister to petition the Chancery to grant citizenship to any specific person into a particular province, bypassing normal immigration
    • recognise the province of Fiova should it be established by the King
    • modify statutory law regarding immigration should an eighth province be formed
    • modify Organic Law to change the Senatorial election cycle to accommodate an eighth province
  • 19 April 2012: Republic of Talossa formally dissolved
  • 20 April 2012: "Reunision Day" declared by King John, as citizens of the Republic proceed through immigration, becoming citizens of Maritiimi-Maxhestic and Maricopa provinces; these new citizens begin drafting a constitution for the new province of Fiova
  • 16 May 2012: a Prime Dictate is issued, allowing for citizen Zacríeu Ianescu, son of Reunisioned citizen Tamorán dal Navâ, to become Fiovan like his father when the eighth province is created
  • 21 May 2012: the legislation enabling short-circuiting particular persons through immigration is repealed
  • 1 June 2012: The Constitution of Fiova is declared promulgated by King John, and citizenships of the reunisioned citizens (and one other, a relative of one of the reunisioners who had immigrated to Talossa during Reunision) are transferred to Fiova