Napoleon Township

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Type: Township
Location: von Buchholtz Parish, Dun Cestour Canton, Vuode

Napoleon is a township in von Buchholtz Parish, in Dun Cestour Canton, in Vuode. Napoleon derives its name as the original location of Napoleon's, a wargaming store frequented by many early Talossans. Napoleon has a Cestour population of 57, and since 2 January 2024/XLV, it has been the ceremonial residence of Bentxamì Puntmasleu.

Geography and Borders

Napoleon is bordered by East Belleview Place to the north, North Stowell Avenue to the west, North Downer Avenue to the east and East Webster Place to the south. It is adjacent to Manor to the north, Fulton to the northwest, East Belleview to the west, Broadmoor to the southwest, Downer to the south, Bank to the east and southeast, Churchtown to the east-northeast, and Hollander to the north-northeast. Napoleon is 10807.27 m² in area.


Napoleon derives its name as the original location of Napoleon’s wargaming store. Founded on 15 September 1979, Napoleon’s was frequented by Robert Ben Madison and many other early Talossans. The owner, Fritz von Buchholtz (for whom the parish is named), became a Talossan citizen himself on 7 December 2004/XXV. Owing to increasing rents, Napoleon’s wargaming store relocated outside Talossa, to nearby Shorewood in 1982/III. It sadly closed shop in April 2005/XXVI.