Progressive Conservatives

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The Progressive Conservatives (PC) were the dominant party in Talossan politics for many years, dominating the Talossan political scene from its founding in 1985 and holding power without a break from 1993-2003.

The PC Party was founded by King Robert I. In later years, he was joined by Art Verbotten and Ián von Metáiriâ, among others.

Ián von Metáiriâ,Tamorán dal Navâ, Michael Pope and Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h all served as Seneschal under the PC banner, as did Dan Wardlow, Dale Morris, Albrec'ht Mananséir, Geoffrey Toumayan, John McGarry, Gary Schwichtenberg, Weston Erni, Thomas Buffone, Sandee Prachel and Florence Yarney.

With members holding a variety of disparate views, the PC was early on termed the "Pot-Pie Blob" by Wes Erni.

The Party began to fall apart in 2003, when Tamorán dal Navâ and Tomás Gariçéir left to form the Grey Congress Party and King Robert I and Wes Erni left to re-form the Black Hand, leaving the PC under the control of Ián von Metáiriâ, Michael Pope and Seneschal Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h. All three parties were initially on good terms with one another, and fully expected to participate in coalition governments, but the "unexpected" success of the King's Black Hand party led to the breakdown of relations between the three parties and, ultimately, to the Halloween Crisis.