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EM200 is the current method of apportioning votes in the Cosa; its name comes from its two original proponents, Weston Erni and Ben Madison.

Under the most basic implementation of EM200, the 200 seats are proportionally divided between parties, without electoral thresholds; thus, on average, an one man party will usually still win at least two seats. Members of the Cosa are appointed to a whole number of seats, and cannot split their votes when casting a vote on the Clark. Additional legislation specifies for example the maximum number of seats an MC can hold; this was 30, but is now a non-fixed number that depends on turnout and is around 20.

EM200 substituted the Real Cosa in 2002, being used first in the 31st Cosa.

1988 Constituziun variation

Under the 1988 Constituziun, the Cosa had 215 seats, of which 200 allocated proportionally between parties. The Prime Minister had an automatic right to 10 of the extra seat, and the Deputy Prime Minister to the remaining 5, in addition to any other seats they already held; these were dubbed "Appointive Seats" by Ben Madison, and were allegedly needed to strengthen party discipline.

Unlike the modern EM200, vote splitting was allowed. By-elections to allocate vacant seats were also a feature of the system, as a way of punishing parties for handing out seats to unreliable people - hence, parties risked losing those vacant seats instead of being allowed to reappoint them, as is the case with the modern EM200.

This variation of EM200 was first in use in the 8th Cosa, when the electorate was just of 9 people, and was last used in the 22nd Cosa.