No'ac'h Ventrutx

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No'ac'h Ventrutx is the first fully registered Dandelion of the Realm, a Talossan citizen whose parent, or parents, was, at his birth, already a citizen of the Kingdom and who has reached legal age of consent. He has registered for full citizenship with the then-Junior Deputy Immigration Minister ("JuDeIm"), Magniloqueu Épiqeu da Lhiun, on 31st of December 2013, one day before Election Deadline.

Registration as Citizen

Ventrutx has contacted JuDeIm da Lhiun via e-mail on Election Deadline's eve, which also fell on New Year's eve, requesting to be granted full citizenship, as he was of legal age of consent in the Kingdom. Upon submission of his essay ("What Talossa means to me"), he was granted full citizenship under XVIII, Section 7 of the Organic Law.


Following essay has been submitted together with the request to be enrolled:
My dad is Talossan.
I am Talossan since birth.
Talossa is a place I have visited and vacationed at with my family.
I want to be a Talossan.
I No'ac'h Ventrutx am Talossan.
That is all.

Historical significance

There was broad agreement in the historical import of the enrolment to the citizenry of N. Ventrutx. C. M. Siervicül, UrN noted that "history may record [this day] as the day when Talossa graduated to full nationhood."[1]


  1. Notification thread, on the Realm's fora.