I, N..., solemnly swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Kingdom of Talossa, to His Majesty N..., King of Talossa, and to His Heirs and Successors according to the Organic Law, and that the true and faithful allegiance, upon which my citizenship rests, consists of the following promises.
I acknowledge that the lawful heritage of Talossa rests with its creator, Ben Madison, and his family and friends, who developed and sustained the Kingdom since 1979 and lawfully hold its archives, copyrights, trademark, and corporate registration.
I accept, in the deepest places of my heart and on the loftiest peaks of my spirit, that the Kingdom of Talossa exists to provide all its people with a welcoming community, a sense of patriotic pride, and above all, clean and honest fun. I affirm that I take no part in, nor do I find “fun” in any way, lying, cheating or stealing in order to “beat my enemies” or “win the game.” [find ‘or, yes, as nationbuilding’ statement]
I proudly and happily accept constitutional monarchy as the best form of government for Talossa, and shall defer when appropriate to the Royal Family.
I proudly rejoice in el glheþ Talossán and in Talossa’s ancient Berber culture, prehistory, and mythology.
I am entitled as a Talossan to use and be known by a Talossan-language name if I should choose, so long as I remain a loyal Talossan citizen.
I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any micronation of which I have heretofore been a subject, citizen, or participant, whether claiming to be ‘Talossan’ or not, and shall not communicate with such except as an accredited and publicly accountable diplomat under Talossan law.
I swear that if approached by such people, on the subject of Talossa, I shall refer their correspondence to the appropriate diplomatic offices and reply to them with the words: “We do not talk about that with you people.”
I recognize no other entity or group as Talossa, and share in its brilliant heritage only so long as I am a law-abiding Talossan citizen. Politics stops at the water’s edge, and I shall never support nor take the side of traitors and aliens who have quit and attack Talossa from outside. I shall never regard these outside groups as my friends and allies against loyal Talossans. And should any member of these outside groups commit any hostile word or deed against Talossa, I will hold these groups collectively responsible for such conduct should it go unpunished.
In debate I will raise my voice solely on behalf of the Kingdom of Talossa and allow others to do so freely; when Talossa is attacked by aliens or traitors abroad, I shall not advocate for their positions, causes or claims.
I will support and defend the Constituziun of 2007, the Organic Law, and all other laws of the Kingdom of Talossa against all enemies, foreign and domestic; I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and I will promote all that will advance the Kingdom and oppose all that may harm the Kingdom.
I shall never accuse any Talossan of any crime, corruption or illegal conduct, unless I am prepared to back up my claims in a court of law. I shall accept the legitimacy of lawful election results. I am proudly a snitch, and if I see or suspect crime, I will report it to the proper authorities.
I approach Talossa in a spirit of “one for all, and all for one.” I am a Talossan, and though we may have different roles to play under the Constituziun and Organic Law, all Talossans are equal under the law, and in my eyes as well. I shall never denounce or demean any group of Talossans as unworthy or inferior, and I shall never discriminate against any Talossan. Every Talossan is just as much a Talossan as I am, and they are my equals and my brothers and sisters whether part-time or full-time, old or new, politically active or apathetic, online or offline, straight, Gay, or whatever, “pocket votes” or politicians, Founder or follower.
I shall not fixate on any individual or law-abiding group as the source of Talossa’s problems, except those that violate their Oath. Neither shall I judge nor attack my fellow-Talossans, nor Talossa itself, on the basis of how “pro-American” or “anti-American” they are.
I will never use nor threaten violence, including any sort of web attack, against any Talossan citizen. I will not engage in “dirty tricks.” I have never been involved with any crime (including theft, trademark/copyright violation, or other intellectual property crimes) or violent activity that might influence how I behave in Talossa.
I will never deny any Talossan the right of free speech or self-expression consistent with his Oath. I will never recruit outsiders for the primary purpose of joining a political party. If I have ever owned, do own, or ever shall own any Talossa-themed domain names, websites, or graphics, I shall surrender these upon demand to the duly constituted Talossan authorities; and Talossans are free to use these if I should cease to be a Talossan.
Respectful of my elders, I will never seek to expel, remove or replace those who were Talossans before me. My approach to Talossa will be positive, productive, and constructive for the people who were here before me, and who rightly judge my conduct. I will not be angry, jealous, or dishonest towards my fellow Talossans.
I take this Oath freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, knowing that if I violate this Oath, I will suffer my Talossan citizenship and all my rights to be stripped from me, and scattered to the four winds.
This I swear! (¡Acest xhuréu!)
[So help me God.]
[Supplementary Oath for Returning Traitors:
I hereby acknowledge that my former affiliation illegally used the word “Talossa” with no historic justification or legal permission, and that in returning to the true Talossa I denounce and renounce such criminal activity. I am joining the one lawful and legitimate Talossa, and will oppose all groups and individuals which unlawfully and without right usurp our own unique sacred, historic, and trademarked name, copyrighted works, and domain names for their own nefarious and sleazy purposes.]