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[[Law:El Lexhatx#Link{{{1}}}.0|Lexh.{{{1}}}.]]


This is a template designed to allow for easy citations of the Lexhatx within the wiki like Template:Lex and Template:Org. The difference is that Template:Lexh will display the "Lexh" (Lexh.A.4.1.), while Template:Lexh won't display it (A.4.1.)

This is a template designed to allow for easy citations of the Lexhatx within the wiki like Template:Org. To use it, simple add the following code to the page: {{lexh|Title#|Section#}}, replacing "Title#" and "Section#" with your desired title and section inlcunding all subsections in the #.# format. For example,

  • to cite Lexh.A.4 you would type {{lexh|A|4}} : the results would look like this: Lexh.A.4.
  • to cite Lexh.A.4.1 you would type {{lexh|A|4.1}} : the results would look like this: Lexh.A.4.1.
  • to cite Lexh.A.4.1.7 you would type {{lexh|A|4.1.7}} : the results would look like this: Lexh.A.4.1.7.
  • the Titles are referred also by name. For example, you can just type [[Title A]] to obtain Title A. To use the above template instead you shouldn't put the Section#, i.e.: for Title A you would type {{lexh|A}} and the results would look like Lexh.A.
ScriberyBadge.png Scribe note
It's not yet implemented in all titles and (sub)sections.