Law:50RZ7 The OrgLaw Amendment (Nonfeasance) Act: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:05, 23 August 2017


It amends the following:
Ziu 50th Clark 2nd
Uréu q'estadra så: Miestrâ Schivâ, UrN

Cosa.png Cosă: PASSED
Per 123 — Con 52 — Aus 13

Senats.png Senäts: PASSED
Per 4 — Con 2 — Aus 2

LesserSealBadge.png Referendum: PENDING
Per — Con — Aus

L'Anuntziă dels Legeux

View Clark Result

50RZ7, The OrgLaw Amendment (Nonfeasance) Act

WHEREAS Organic Law IV.11 ordains that "Senators may be removed from office by the Uppermost Cort, for criminal activity or for mis-, mal-, or non-feasance";

AND WHEREAS "nonfeasance" is defined by Merriam-Webster as "failure to act; especially : failure to do what ought to be done";

AND WHEREAS this is a great word;

AND WHEREAS Organic Law XVI.1 ordains that UC Justices may be removed from office due to "due to inactivity as defined by failure to act, rule, or appear in an open case the justice is assigned to or participating in for more than 60 days";

AND WHEREAS this is pretty much the same thing as "nonfeasance";

AND WHEREAS sauce for the legislators and justices should a fortiori be sauce for the Head of State;

AND WHEREAS an argument could be made that provisions allowing removal of the King for "violating the Organic Law" would already include nonfeasance, but legal opinion casts doubt on this, and I'm sick and tired of long semantic arguments:

BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosâ and Senäts of Talossa and endorsed by the people of Talossa in referendum THAT Organic Law III.7 be amended as follows, with amended text in red:

In dire circumstances, when the King is judged by competent medical authority to be incapable of executing his duties, or if he is convicted by the Talossan Uppermost Cort of violation of the Organic Law, treason, bribery, nonfeasance endangering the safety, order or good government of the Kingdom, or other high crimes, the nation may remove the King from the Throne. The Cosâ shall pronounce by a two-thirds vote, with the approval of the Senäts, that the King is to be deposed, and this pronouncement shall immediately be transmitted to the people for their verdict in a referendum. If a two-thirds majority of the people concur, the King is considered deposed and the succession occurs according to 3.4, above.

Noi urent q'estadra så: Miestrâ Schivâ - MC,FreeDem Mximo Carbonel - MC,REP