Cantons (els Cantôns) are the smallest possible territorial subdivision of Talossa.
Cantons can be transfered from one jurisdiction to another, however, it is inorganic for a Canton to secede from Talossa. A Canton is based on census tracts and are made up from Townships (census blocks) and Parishes (block groups).
A Talossan territory is considered a canton in it's own right.
List of Talossan Cantons
Atatürk Province
- Abbavilla
- Flúvia Montevúdio
Benito Province
- Lorentzio
- Riverside
Cézembre Province
- Zone Autorisée
- Zone Interdite
Fiôvâ Province
- Cüféir
- Las Înaltàns Maxhéstici
Florencia Province
- Florencia
Maricopa Province
- Prachelion
- Schneideriâ
- Weserniâ
Maritiimi-Maxhestic Province
- Frédéricville
- Jahnhaven
- Port Maxhestic