Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet

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The Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet, or Cabinet Secretary for short, is a nonpartisan office of the Royal Civil Service within the Office of the Seneschal.

It was estabilished by Prime Minister Miestrâ Schivâ on July 29th 2019/XL. Lüc da Schir was appointed as the first and current Cabinet Secretary on August 1st.


  • Ensuring a smooth transition of power (especially credentials, updating Cabinet emails), whenever the membership of the Cabinet changes;
  • Being in charge of Cabinet media of communication, like the forum, along with the Seneschál, especially regarding backups;
  • Acting as a recruiter for Cabinet and junior positions;
  • Acting as an impartial arbiter for the Code of Conduct, whenever necessary;
  • Whatever Cabinet-related administrative task the Seneschál of the day requires.
  • Api dàl Telaragnha: responsible for all "back-end" maintenance of the national Internet presence as described in El Lexhatx 2.10.3-2.10.6 (in cooperation with the Ministry of STUFF);
  • Wittmeister: responsible for all "back-end" maintenance of Wittenberg as described in El Lexhatx J (in conjunction with the Chancery);
  • Holding current passwords to all official Talossan social media accounts.