Revision as of 07:52, 22 July 2012 by Eovartgrischun (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="voterecord"> {| style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5; border-width: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #FFA07A; background:#FFE4C4; padding: 20...")
Contact this Citizen |
Email Address: {{{email}}} |
GChat: {{{gchat}}} |
MSN: {{{MSN}}} |
ICQ: {{{ICQ}}} |
Yahoo: {{{Yahoo}}} |
Blackberry Pin: {{{BBM}}} |
Telephone: {{{Phone}}} |
Facebook Profile: {{{Facebook}}} |
Twitter Name: {{{Twitter}}} |
This box provides a list of contact details for ÁrTal profiles. To use it, just add the following code to a person's page, (You may delete rows that are non-applicable to you)
{{ÁrTalContactBox |email=[mailto:email@address.com Text to Display] |gchat=gchat username |MSN=MSN username |ICQ=ICQ number |Yahoo=Yahoo username |BBM=Blackberry pin |Phone=Telephone number |Facebook=Facebook Profile |Twitter=Twitter Username }}