Law:60RZ3 The Citaxhién Terpelaziuns Act

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Revision as of 01:30, 3 January 2025 by Autofil (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{LawZiuStatus |number=60RZ3 |status={{LawStatusFailed}} |lexhtitle= {{TH}} |sponsor= Breneir Tzaracomprada |ziu=60th |clark=2nd (September {{year|2024}}) |cosa= {{failed}} |cyes=50 |cno=150 |cabs=0 |senats= {{failed}} |syes=1 |sno=7 |sabs=0 }} <br/> Whereas, during the last Cosa term, former Seneschal Braneu Excelsio, without being obliged to do so, answered several citizen enquiries, and Whereas, these answers in the absence of meaningful enquiries from the then-...")
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Ziu 60th Clark 2nd (September 2024/XLV)
Uréu q'estadra så: Breneir Tzaracomprada

Cosa.png Cosă: FAILED
Per 50 — Con 150 — Aus 0

Senats.png Senäts: FAILED
Per 1 — Con 7 — Aus 0

L'Anuntziă dels Legeux

View Clark Result

Whereas, during the last Cosa term, former Seneschal Braneu Excelsio, without being obliged to do so, answered several citizen enquiries, and

Whereas, these answers in the absence of meaningful enquiries from the then-Opposition served the purpose of government accountability, and

Whereas, this is a new practice worth continuing for the same honorable purpose.

Therefore, be it resolved, that El Lexhatx Section H. Legislation is amended to add a new sub-section, as follows:

1.2.9 Any citizen, may at any time between the First and Last Clark of a Cosă Term, table in "The Lobby" board on Witt, or its equivalent, a "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" in a new thread or its equivalent. Any "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun," requires the sponsorship of a current member of the Ziu. The "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" may ask one question to a named Member of the Government or Civil Service, relating to Public Affairs connected with their Ministry or on matters of administration for which they are officially responsible. A citizen is limited to one (1) active "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" at a time. Active, in this context, is defined as an unanswered CT. Any "(CT)" or "Citaxhién Terpelaziun" that is submitted, must be answered by the named Minister, Civil Service member, or other Government official within fourteen (14) days of the question being tabled. Should the Minister, Civil Service member, or other Government official be unavailable to answer the question within the fourteen (14) days, the question shall be redirected to the Seneschal or their appointed Deputy or the Minister responsible for oversight of the Civil Service member or other Government official who shall be granted a further seven (7) days to answer the aforementioned question. With the agreement of the questioner, there may be an extension of seven (7) days on top of this period. However, the period from the asking of the question to the answering of the question, shall in no circumstances exceed twenty-eight (28) days.

Uréu q'estadra så: Breneir Tzaracomprada - (MC-OPEN)

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