Law:60RZ15 BHAID: Palestinian Children's Relief Act
Revision as of 17:43, 11 January 2025 by Autofil (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{LawZiuStatus |number=60RZ15 |status=budget |lexhtitle= |sponsor=Breneir Tzaracomprada |ziu=60th |clark=3rd (October {{year|2024}}) |cosa= {{passed}} |cyes= 149 |cno= 46 |cabs= 5 |senats= {{passed}} |syes= 6 |sno= 1 |sabs= 0 }} Whereas, the costs of war are frequently felt most heavily by women and children, and Whereas, any action or contribution no matter how small is warranted to prevent further suffering or reduce current suffering, and Whereas, Talossans are...")