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Established: June 1st, 2012/XXXIII
Cunstaval: Istefan Perþonest
Capitán: Carlüs Xheráltsëfiglheu

Motto: Desfisetz qualsëcosâ denâ

Fiôvâ, also known as La Provinçù Liveradâ da Fiôvâ or The Free Province of Fiova, is the 8th Province of the Realm. Established at the culmination of the Reunision of the Talossan people as a home Province for els reviênsadéirs; the Province was formed from territory ceded by the Provinces of Maritiimi-Maxhestic and Maricopa, which hosted the reviênsadéirs from 20 April 2012 until the drafting and promulgation of the Constitution of Fiova and the establishment of the provisional Government of the new Province.

Government and politics

Mitchell Building, in Las Înaltàns Maxhéstici, it's the seat of the Provincial Government.

Provincial Chancery

The politics in Fiôvâ takes place in a framework of a direct democracy. Executive power is exercised by the Provincial Government presided by the Cunstaval who is the nominal chief executive of the province, performing the same constitutional and ceremonial functions at the provincial level as does the King of Talossa at the national level, while the head of government is the Capitán elected by the General Assembly for a one-year term in May, who may delegate any executive powers to Provincial Ministers which are collectively and individually responsible to him. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the General Assembly composed by all the province's citizens and chaired by a Túischac'h elected by the Assembly. Judicial power is vested in the first instance in the Landsdoom consisting of one or more Adjudicators. The last Officer is the Provincial Secretary of State whose duties are similar to its national counterpart.

Officer Current holder
Cunstaval Istefan Perþonest
Capitán Carlüs Xheráltsëfiglheu
Túischac'h Xhorxh Asmoûr
Secretary of State Jum Txec Tric'hardsëfiglheu

External Links