Law:49RZ29 The Joseph McCarthy Amendment

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49RZ29: The Joseph McCarthy Amendment



It amends the following:
Legeu Orgänic
Ziu 49th Clark 6th
Uréu q'estadra så: Munditenens Tresplet

Cosa.png Cosă: PASSED
Per 82 — Con 30 — Aus 0

Senats.png Senäts: PASSED
Per 6 — Con 0 — Aus 1

LesserSealBadge.png Referendum: PASSED
Per 77 — Con 15 — Aus 25

L'Anuntziă dels Legeux

View Clark Result

The Joseph McCarthy Amendment

WHEREAS, expulsion from the Greatest (albeit unrecognized) Country on Earth is the highest form of punishment our judicial system can levy, and

WHEREAS, as such, imposing such a penalty should not be taken lightly, and

WHEREAS, currently, Organic Law permits the Uppermost Cort to impose the penalty upon citizens it convicts of "anti-Talossan activities", and

WHEREAS, it obviously fails to define what exactly "anti-Talossan activities" are, and

WHEREAS, this sounds very similar to the (US) House Un-American Activities Committee to me, and

WHEREAS, we don't need McCarthyism in Talossa, so

THEREFORE, the Ziu hereby resolves to put forward the following amendment to the Citizenry for ratification:

Article XVIII, Section 5 of Organic Law which currently reads:

If the Uppermost Cort shall at any subsequent time find any fraud or dishonesty in a Citizen's original application for citizenship, including his statements to the Cort or to Cosâ members; or if the Uppermost Cort shall convict the Citizen for anti-Talossan activities, it may impose the penalty of expulsion from Talossa. The King may commute such a sentence.

shall be amended to read:

If the Uppermost Cort shall at any subsequent time find any fraud or dishonesty in a Citizen's original application for citizenship, including his statements to the Cort or to Cosâ members, it may impose the penalty of expulsion from Talossa. The King may commute such a sentence.

Uréu q'estadra så: Munditenens (Dien) Tresplet - (Senator, Maricopa)

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