Law:58RZ10 Budget and Financial Planning Bill for the 58th Cosa
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Ziu 58th Clark 2nd (April 2023/XLIV)
Uréu q'estadra så: Alexandreu Davinescu |
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Per 121 — Con 0 — Aus 72 |
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Per 2 — Con 0 — Aus 5 |
L'Anuntziă dels Legeux |
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WHEREAS the Organic Law directs that each government submit a budget by the second Clark of their Cosa term,
PART A: Financial Report
The current funds of the Kingdom consist of a checking account, a savings account, and a Paypal account. On report from the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue as of 30 March 2023, these accounts stand at the following balances:
Checking: 31¤4 ($46.60 USD) Savings: 785¤40 ($1,178.50 USD) Paypal: 183¤38 ($275.44 USD) Total: 1000¤22 ($1500.54 USD)
There was no previous Financial Report for the previous Cosa term, but on report from the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue, the following are the expenditures from the last budget which occurred between 21 May 2022 and 30 Mar 2023:
- 40¤34 ($60.85 USD) Webhosting costs - 18¤12 ($27.30 USD) Webhosting costs - 35¤23 ($53.07 USD) Google ads
Since the last legal Financial Report in February of 2020, on report from the Burgermeister of Inland Revue the following changes to account balances have occurred as of 30 Mar 2023:
Checking:+4¤49 ($7.23 USD) Savings:+76¤38 ($114.96 USD) Paypal:+139¤32 ($209.29 USD)
The amount of current coinage and stamps in circulation and in reserve is currently unknown. This information will be provided in a supplemental report to the Ziu.
PART B: Budget
THEREFORE, His Majesty's Government hereby submits to the Ziu a request for the appropriation of funds from the Royal Treasury totaling 366¤40 ($550 USD) for the specific purposes and subject to restrictions as outlined herein:
Ministrà dal Cúltură
Culture grants 66¤40 ($100 USD)
This amount will be set aside for fulfillment of any Culture Initiative Support Fund grants. These grants are intended to help spur and reward activity from our citizens, providing them with small amounts to support language, journalism, or other cultural plans. In previous years, most of this money has gone unspent.
Ministrà dal Tec'hnoloxhà
Speculative Webhosting costs 133¤20 ($200 USD)
For obvious Wittpocalypse-related reasons, future plans for our web infrastructure remain uncertain. As the Ministreu dal Tec'hnoloxhà explores different options in conjunction with Permanent Secretary da Schir, the Government is erring on the cautious side and appropriating sufficient funds to meet a variety of needs. It is our expectation that only a small portion of this money will need to be spent.
Ministrà dels Afaes Utphätseschti
BHAID 33¤20 ($50 USD)
The Bureau for Humanitarian Aid and International Development will continue its support for important causes worldwide.
Ministrà à Savanar da Talossa àls Ultra-Fiovaes Folăs
Advertising 66¤40 ($100 USD)
These funds will accommodate a cost-effective and high-impact future advertising campaign.
Stationary and Postage for IDs and Certificates 66¤40 ($100 USD)
Once state assets are recovered from private hands and the ID program can continue, the Government will employ this sum to print, laminate, and mail the results. Awards and grants will also be printed on fine paper and mailed to recipients.
FURTHERMORE, notwithstanding the above allocations, no funds shall be disbursed without a notice of disbursement having first been transmitted to the Ziu at least fourteen days prior to the disbursement, except that disbursements solely for the purpose of postage may be made with no less than 24 hours notice. Notices shall contain details of the purchase and a cost estimate for the purchase, or the total amount paid if seeking funds for reimbursement. Copies of receipts and/or invoices will be provided upon request to Members of the Ziu.
FURTHERMORE, any funds allocated by this section shall be retained in the central fund by the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue until such time as they are disbursed. Funds not disbursed prior to the end of the government term shall remain in the central fund.
PART C: Investment Policy
FURTHERMORE, His Majesty's Government hereby directs the Burgermeister of Inland Revenue to invest all held funds into a high-interest savings account unless or until otherwise directed or advised by act of the Ziu.
PART D: Coinage and Postage
FURTHERMORE, His Majesty's Government has no plans to coin monies or print postage during this term, as supplies remain sufficient to sustain both markets.
PART E: Donations Target
FURTHERMORE, His Majesty's Government proposes a voluntary fundraising goal of $200 over the course of this term.
PART F: Designated Assassination Targets
Uréu q'estadra så: Sir Alexandreu Davinescu - His Majesty's Government, represented by Ministreu dal Finançù Alexandreu Davinescu