Alexandreu Davinescu

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The Davinescu armorial achievement.

His Lordship Doctor Sir Alexandreu Davinescu, UrN, Ft.D BTL GST, Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric, (b. 2 Feb 1983) is a citizen of Maritiimi-Maxhestic Province. Davinescu became a Talossan citizen on 9 June 2006/XXVII, and currently resides in Massachusetts. He was elevated to a knighthood in the Order for the Nation at the 2014/XXXV St. Aaron's Day Extraordinary Honours. He was elevated to a barony at the 2021/XLII Tafsut Imazighen Extraordinary Honours.

He is the Clerk of Courts and a practicing lawyer, as well as a Member of Cosa. He has been a former leader of the RUMP and deputy leader of the Talossan National Congress, Senator, and a former Assemblyperson for Maritiimi-Maxhestic. He has been Seneschal, MinFin, Chief of Staff, MinStuff, A-X, and Distain at various times. He was formerly also the editor of Beric'ht Talossan, the country's leading newspaper.

Davinescu is also known for refounding the Zouaves of the Royal Bodyguard, transforming that entity from a military branch into a cultural force, as well as compiling the legal code for the country, el Lexhatx, and helping defend the monarchy for many years -- as well as brokering a deal to move the monarchy forward with the inauguration of King Txec. He is the author of a website for learning Talossan, Let's Learn Talossan! and the winner of the Ünă Cumpetaziun da Mocts competition.

Politics and the Law

Davinescu is famous for his public efforts to defend the monarchy and scrutinize legislation.

Member of the Ziu

A stalwart supporter of the former RUMP, Davinescu has served as Seneschal, Distain, and two-time Minister of Stuff on that party's behalf. While extremely active as Minister of Stuff - creating promotional flyers, instituting the merchandising effort known as TalossaWare, and distributing national ID cards - Davinescu's term as Seneschal was only indifferently successful. He returned to service in April of 2016/XXXVII to serve as Minister of Finance and Chief of Staff in a coalition RUMP-MRPT-TNC government, and again to serve as Distain in two Talossan National Congress governments in 2023/XLIV and 2024./XLV Davinescu was a Member of the Cosa for the RUMP and the Talossan National Congress for many years, as well as a two-term Senator, and currently sits as an MC for the Progressive Party.

Davinescu has been an active legislator throughout his time in Talossa, sponsoring numerous bills through to passage, including the requirement for a national census, as well as compromise versions of key legislation to create the civil service, articles of incorporation to allow for private businesses, and the "Telecomuna" proposal to establish the government-administered Wittenberg as it exists today.

Davinescu's most important legislative contribution, however, has been the composition of el Lexhatx, Talossa's legal code.

El Lexhatx

For most of Talossan history, the country operated with a scattered body of law. Hundreds of laws had been passed over thirty years, and many of them were obscure (or even entirely forgotten). While some statutes were well-established, such as the Royal Household Act or the Umpteenth Immigration Act, legislators and jurists needed to be familiar with dozens of other laws. For the ordinary citizen, it was nearly impossible to understand their own laws, and the tangle only got worse over time.

Davinescu spent months working to remedy this situation to establish a new legal code, combing through hundreds of laws, judging the legal merits of whether or not they were currently in effect, and then compiling them into a comprehensive new framework that would provide order to the nation's statutory law. El Lexhatx (le'jäzh) was passed fully and unanimously by both houses of the Ziu in February of 2014/XXXV. The new legal code operated as a "super-statute"[1] to consolidate all laws outside of the Organic Law into a single statute and organize them by topic. It remains the exclusive statutory law of the land.


After spending a considerable amount of time while in the Opposition criticizing a perceived tendency towards secrecy on the part of the government, Davinescu took the opportunity offered by the majority vote in favor of the Talossan National Congress to create a new government repository for data, Infotecă. This collection of spreadsheets and web interface allowed Talossan citizens to access data on immigration rates, Wittenberg use, budget and spending, and other metrics. Rather than hidden behind obscurity or the need to personally compile them, citizens were now able to make informed decisions about the welfare of their country.

Infotecă has continued and been continuously updated to this day, complete with automatically generated charts and visualizations.


A longtime member of the Sabor of royal advisors and an outspoken monarchist, Davinescu has vocally defended the institution as both culturally central and political vital to Talossa's success. Serving as regent for a time and ruling in the stead of King John, he worked to ensure that the throne continued, even when it was often the subject of considerable criticism. Eventually, this role led him to brokering a deal for a smooth transition to the reigning King Txec.

Since that time, Davinescu has served in the Sabor of King Txec, as well.

Legal Career

With a longstanding interest in the law, Davinescu is also a member of the Royal Talossan Bar with an associated B.T.L.,[2]. Prior to el Lexhatx, he was also the author of Selections from the Law, a handbook of Talossan law for practicing lawyers.

Davinescu has represented many people over the course of his career as a lawyer, most especially serving as the chief counsel for the Royal Talossan Chancery for nearly ten years and almost as many proceedings. He has argued more cases on behalf of his clients than any other Talossan jurist.


Davinescu was a longtime member of the Provincial Assembly of Maritiimi-Maxhestic, authoring and pushing through a vote on the provincial constitution,[3], establishing a new provincial webpage, replacing Cunstaval Al Simmerman was tracked down, and pushing through the all-important vote on an official provincial sandwich (the Monte Cristo). He has also served as Grand General Secretary for the assembly, and held the clerical position of Grand Specific Undersecretary for many years. He has been an on-again, off-again presence in the province throughout his time in the Kingdom.

Alexandreu Davinescu


In addition to his work in public service, Davinescu has spent many years engaged in "doing Talossa" in other ways, such as journalism and teaching Glheþ.


Beginning in March of 2014/XXXV, Davinescu was the editor-in-chief and reporter for Beric'ht Talossan. This publication would become the most successful newspaper in Talossa's history, eventually swelling to a staff of thirteen, including a cultural reporter, three cartoonists, two podcasters, an opinion columnist, and several staff writers. The cost per issue was 1ℓ.

Published fortnightly without fail for years, the paper boasted the first paid advertising service and widest circulation of any publication. Beric'ht Talossan was also the country's first corporation, the first paying employer, the first paid subscription service, and probably some other things too.

After Davinescu was chosen to serve in the government for the 49th Cosa, he retired the paper, deeming it inappropriate (and too burdensome) to wield the power of both government and the fourth estate at the same time.


Davinescu is the author of a website for learning Talossan, Let's Learn Talossan!, work for which he received a grant from the Ministry of Culture.[4] The website is designed to assist Anglophone novices in language-learning, reminding them of key grammatical concepts before leading them through guided translations.

He is the only winner of the language competition Ünă Cumpetaziun da Mocts and its prize[5], won for his short story "Maricopaglha." This work of speculative fiction was set in a distant future for Talossa in a postapocalyptic world.

Coletx d'Armeux Rexhital

Since 2024/XLV, Davinescu has led the Coletx d'Armeux Rexhital as the Squirrel Viceroy of Arms in place of the inactive Squirrel King of Arms. This followed an active career as Dean of the Coletx, in which he pushed through efforts to respectfully retire some heralds to an emeritus status when they had not been active in the body in many years. Banners and badges have been added to those heraldic symbols which have been carried forward into contemporary Talossan recognition, and the Coletx has once more become productive and active.


Davinescu was the administrator for TalossaWiki during its inception and initial years, establishing much of the infrastructure and policies.

Subsequently, Davinescu was reorganised the Zouaves into an organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Talossan culture. The ranks of the military organization swelled to a dozen active members and spawned a considerable amount of interested activity, making it the first time the Talossan military had been materially useful in the nation's history.

Davinescu taught several courses at the University before it became the Royal Society, teaching full courses on the author Ernest Hemingway and technical skills of wiki-editing, and has been awarded an honorary FT.D. and the position of Profeßeir Acreditat in the Senäts Academic dal Üniversità Talossan.[6]

Achievement, Knighthood, and Peerage

At the 2006/XXVII Ascension Day Honours, Davinescu was granted an armorial achievement: "Vert, upon a saltire argent a chessknight sable." This was later enhanced with a knight's belt and helm, and then with a mural crown topped by a crow. His motto is, "Compassionem audentiam verumque quaeramus" ("Be kind, be brave, and seek the truth").

King John bestowed L'Urderi per la Naziun on Davinescu at the 2014/XXXV St. Aaron's Day Extraordinary Honours, citing years of service in His Majesty's government and civil service, efforts in journalism and business, and accomplishments of law.

Davinescu was appointed as a Guaïr del Sabôr Talossán in 2020/XLI after serving as regent for His Majesty King John. The next year, he was elevated to a hereditary peerage as a baron for years of service to the people of Talossa and the crown. He selected the smallest township in Maritiimi-Maxhestic within the canton of Vilatx Freiric, naming it likewise Vilatx Freiric, as the site of his barony after some amusing confusion about territory. His official title is His Lordship Baron Davinescu del Vilatx Freiric del Vilatx Freiric.
