Law:60RZ17 The Phantom Offices Removal (No 1.) Bill

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It amends the following:
Ziu 60th Clark 4th (November 2024/XLV)
Uréu q'estadra så: Miestră Schivă

Cosa.png Cosă: PASSED
Per 180 — Con 0 — Aus 20

Senats.png Senäts: PASSED
Per 7 — Con 1 — Aus 0

L'Anuntziă dels Legeux

View Clark Result

WHEREAS, in the words of a respected MC, assigning a job via statute to a role not guaranteed to exist by statute is a bad idea;

AND WHEREAS the role of "Wittmeister" nowhere exists in legislation, but exists as part of the job description of Permanent Secretary of Back End Administration, which doesn't exist in legislation;

AND WHEREAS the role of "Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet" doesn't exist at all any more;

AND WHEREAS the current legislation makes reference to the Minstry of STUFF, which is no longer responsible for technical issues like this;

BE IT ENACTED by the King, Cosă and Senäts in Ziu assembled that El Lexhatx E.3 be amended from:

3. The Minister of Immigration, working with the Seneschal, the Minister of Stuff, The Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet and/or the nation's Wittmeister shall cause the prospective immigrant to be granted an account on Wittenberg, allowing said prospective immigrant to converse with the subjects of the Kingdom gathered there. The Immigration Minister shall verify that the said account is fully-enabled, and that the candidate is able to communicate using this forum with the citizens of the Kingdom. The Immigration Minister shall then begin a single thread on Wittenberg introducing the prospective immigrant to the nation. The "Why I am Interested in Becoming a Talossan" essay shall be published by the Immigration Minister in this introduction. The Immigration Minister is further directed to remind his fellow citizens from time to time that the initiation of new citizens into Talossa is a serious matter and that questioning a prospective citizen is a patriotic obligation of all who love their King and Country.


3. The Minister of Immigration, working with the Seneschal and the responsible authorities for administering Wittenberg, shall cause the prospective immigrant to be granted an account on Wittenberg, allowing said prospective immigrant to converse with the subjects of the Kingdom gathered there. The Immigration Minister shall verify that the said account is fully-enabled, and that the candidate is able to communicate using this forum with the citizens of the Kingdom. The Immigration Minister shall then begin a single thread on Wittenberg introducing the prospective immigrant to the nation. The "Why I am Interested in Becoming a Talossan" essay shall be published by the Immigration Minister in this introduction. The Immigration Minister is further directed to remind his fellow citizens from time to time that the initiation of new citizens into Talossa is a serious matter and that questioning a prospective citizen is a patriotic obligation of all who love their King and Country.

Uréu q'estadra så:

Miestră Schivă - (MC-Free Democrats)

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