Chirluscha àl Glheþ

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Canziun urixhinal par Robert I

Sta là, zefença
Tu vell glheþ Talossan.
Txamais praitença
Da negarh tu drept þuman!

Es ca'scu ziua,
Ár propreu glheþ parlarh;
Sovenenç' la tzara,
Talossan c'e ben d'estarh!

Va, desaverscha
Talossan sè grült traval.
Acest daßerc'ha
Ár voce naziunal!

Glheþ da Talossa,
Aprenda, parla, scriitz;
Fäts aceasta cosa,
Eda resta incognits!

Noi sint l'espereux
Dad ár ancient glheþ corteis–
Mimtenença sondreux
Toct ár cünsuetüds vischceis!

Oxhi sonora
'n pliada antalour:
"¡Crid' cadascu þora
Qe eu non sint Cestour!"

Traducziun al glheþ Angleasca

Stand tall, Talossans
the peninsula defend.
No foe or villain
can your love of country rend.

Raise high your banner,
Your passion penned unto:
"Loyal to our sov'-reign,
Let our minds and hearts be true."

Read by the torch
Of bright traditions red and green,
Our kingdom's story
Is yours to be lived and seen.

Press, glheþ and culture
A heritage of fun:
Send out the message
That's inviting ev'ry one!

We are the future
Of this ancient, gallant land.
Hold fast the fortress
While citizen rolls expand.

Watch on the river;
Raise the noble, fervent cry:
"Go tell the nations that
No Cestour am I!"

Sheet music and recordings